也许你会感到奇怪吧,为什么这一篇我会用华文来打呢? 嗯,太久没有写华文了,要是把这个母语给荒废了,就太对不起自己哈哈。
好了,废话少说,今天要和大家分享的,就是新加坡著名的酒店~ 滨海湾金沙酒店和她的空中花园。 当然,我只是进去参观参观而已,没本事也没有钱住得起这么豪华的酒店。(我住过最豪华的,应该是古晋的达迈酒店吧?)。原本打算参观滨海湾花园后才去参观金沙酒店的,不过下雨了,没办法啦,只好躲进酒店里避雨咯。没想到,我一进酒店,就被里面的设计震惊了.....
通过link bridge,我们走到了另一端,坐电梯从6楼下去1楼继续参观酒店。我们从 Tower 1 开始走起,后来才发现空中花园的售票地点在Tower 3。泪催啊!!
和一个像灯笼一样的中式餐厅拍照。这里的食物,我是没有哪个福分去尝一尝了。虽然看起来很美很好吃,同样的,它的价钱一样让你觉得它好美啊! ( if i really eat it i think i will pok kai in Singapore X..X)
好不容易走到了tower 3 的售票地点,要走出去坐escalator 下地楼的售票柜台。一张票要价 $20. ( alright i cant stand with it, my typing is too slow, gonna start with english for explanation after this, plz forgive me. T..T) there is some time slot for the guided tour, where they allow the visitors to visit their swimming pool ( 无边界游泳池. well we miss out the time, so we miss out the chance too.
The skypark is located at level 56. High enuf to enjoy the view of the Singapore Marina Bay. so get ready with our cameras~ we went there around 6.30pm, so we can enjoy the sunset view and the night view at the same time. There is no time limitation for the visit, which means we can stay up there as long as we like. But we spent around an hour time on the deck then we came down already.
滨海湾花园全景,就在空中花园的右边。两个花穹和super tree 嘻嘻
左侧最多东西看了,有 “莲花”~the Art Science Museum, “榴莲”~ the esplanade theater, 新加坡的水上舞台,LV的店,还有新加坡的高楼大厦。 这些建筑物,就是晚上时为夜景点缀的星星
金沙酒店的无边际游泳池。 呼呼我没得去参观啦 >< 错过了。金沙酒店的游泳池可说是世界上最有名的游泳池之一哟~
one corner of the sky park~ or observation deck
well for the light show, it starts at 8pm. the best spot to view the show is the direction to the casino. I was standing at the wrong direction ( i went to the garden by the bay WTH). but still i can enjoy some laser show la, and i would like to say it was really beautiful and outstanding. i don think can enjoy the show from the deck? coz you will miss out the light show on the building.
For the operation hours of the Skypark:
- Monday to Thursday : 9.30am to 10pm
- Friday to Sunday : 9.30am to 11pm
How to get there:
From Novena station, took the MRT to Marina Bay station, interchange to circle line to Bay Front station. walk up to the bridge, turn left to the Marina Sands Bay Hotel and turn right to Garden by the Bay.
**the skypark will park will be closed for temporary in case of heavy rain or lightning, plz make sure that you check the weather forecast before you plan to visit the Skypark.
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