im tough enuf, if u r not appreciating wat u have now.....
start v a piece of cake, it reminds me how u pampered me like a kid when i ate tis cake, n also snowflake~ 一人一半,是伴;一人一口,是侣。伴侣就是:每天有好吃的一人一半,你一口我一口;慢慢地就成为一对快乐的胖纸。 since u want to gain weight so much, so v go for high calories!! hiak hiak hiak. really enjoy the moments that u feed me, n i just enjoy it like a queen haha~ feel so blissful tat time n wish the time will just stop like tat ><
n our his and hers~ every moment belongs to us, no matter where v r n wat r v doing. even v r apart now, for coming 8 weeks, isshhhh, but stil 我们还是在同一片幸福的月光下~ n i love the words u told me just now in the phone. even cactus can survive in sahara, still it cannot live eternally, only my love for u is eternal~ ^^
n my chubby boyfren!! he is so cute hahaha, i love you is not becoz u r perfect, but u r the one make my life more perfect than i expected, n i can truly be myself in front of u. although u like to say me hiao......== i speechless lo. will keep tis photo nicely d hehe.
im glad tat u r someone who treat everything seriously, n do every decision after much consideration n thinking. maybe others will feel tat u r someone who is so 婆妈,but for me, i prefer u to think it twice or thrice before u really go for something. im sure ur 婆妈ness wont beat my dad d, he is the king of hesitant. i dowan u to regret for every decision tat u had made, coz i don wish i will have the same fate like my frens does. No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting. No matter when you end, itis more important that you do not regret after ended——不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要后悔。
i love you, coz i know u really love me~ 对我一心一意, 这就是我所想要的。我不需要玫瑰戒指,我只要你真心对我好。不管什么时候,都对我坦诚。喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,没有随便两个字。我很庆幸,当初我选择了你,而且我选择了隐瞒我身边的朋友们,让我能够在完全不受其他外来因素地干扰下,凭我的直觉,作出了我的选择~

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