I had the opportunity to help in a counselling event in my secondary school recently, discussed about the courses and life in university. As a alumni of UPM, I am very happy to share my thought and experience throughout my life as a medical student. which is really tough.

But something I found it out not so right about the reason 'why you want to become a doctor' nowadays among the young students. Not only from the counselling event itself, but I heard from my medical school juniors during their orientation, as well as forums in internet. They kind of 'think too much' in future, and I don know how should I 'break their beautiful imagination on that.

okay, here is some of the stories I would like to share of:

Story 1
1. One of my junior, mentioned that she want to be a brain surgeon ( neurosurgery) in future. She was very confident on this matter, stood firm on her statement and get quite upset when we questioned about her. Im not sure how was her condition recently, but what I heard from my juniors, she scored well in her neurology ( anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology etc), but she kind of lost in the other subjects, not too bad but not up to standard.
Anyway Im impressed that she had a goal to enter medical course, while I entered the program with the phobia of ppl asked me "why you want to become a doctor" LOL.

I guess she set her goal too early, and she made herself focus only on the brain part, which make her forgot that brain is not the only organs in our body. Our human body is a structure of complex systems, yes I would not denied that brain plays an important role but hey, the heart is laughing. It is good to set a goal earlier, but it is bad when u narrowed your interest and passion way too earlier.

Story 2
2. When I helped out in the counselling event, one of my junior approached and asked me some questioned about pursuing master program after finished medical degree. Did I said the counselling event was aimed on STPM and SPM students?

And my first thought was..... OMG you are not even stepped yourself into medical degree yet, what makes you think so far to skip the most important foundation and jumped to master program? He told me that he had some research on the medical degrees in Malaysia, and he got 50% of the facts correct . He was not really aware that how fierce the competition will be when someone wish to enroll into Master Program in future.

I hate myself to be a 'dream-breaker' but I had to do so, to tell him the fact that enrolling into a public university medical school with STPM result is not guaranteed even you have straight As. UPM had only max 1 STPM student per batch since my batch ( we had 2 years consecutively with 0 STPM student before we welcomed the precious one, currently in year 3). Im not so sure with other university but I guess the condition is almost the same..... based on how many STPM students with 4.0 pointer appealed for a seat in medical course through internet and newspaper every year.

with further questioning I asked the junior, why you want to become a doctor. Not too surprising he told me become it is a secured job and he wants to earn. Nope, with the contract system introduced lately, becoming a doctor is no longer a permanent job in Malaysia. Even myself is worrying about my future, although Im a local JPA scholarship holder.
If you want to be a doctor to earn money, get away please, this is not a career that will make big business big money unless you make yourself into private sector. I don really like it when ppl relate doctor with business.

Story 3
3. okay a story of myself, thanks to my senior who wake me up much earlier even I don really like it and kind of reluctant to take his advice in the early stage ( senior if you read this plz don pukul me)
If you asked me, what is the specialty you want in your future?
I would like to say Otorhinolaryngology ( layman term Ear, Nose Throat). I was deeply inspired by my goddess lecturer in UPM, Prof Shuba who is so loving and kind to her students and patients. The way she educating her students and patients, how she empathizing her patients and of course, her excellent skills and experience makes me want to follow her path when I was year 3.

Did I change my mind in between?
Of course yes =...=   During my 5th year time, I make pediatric as an option of my career pathway in future, with the great guidance of paediatric lecturers in UPM, I found myself enjoying the session when some of them think this is really a hell ( If you went through paed rotation, you should know this is the scariest posting and highest failed rate among medical students). I tried my best to learn as much as I can during the posting. After graduation, I met my lecturer personally to ask on the career pathway.

So what makes me so indecisive?
If I want to go into ENT, I will have a be a MO in ENT department, service for at least 3 years before I could apply into master program ( some said 2 years, but according to my seniors chances are brighter when you are more experienced). The master course itself is a 4 years program. And the obstacles come, you are not the only one who wish to enroll into ENT master program. Fierce competition is there, and not everyone can get into the program. I met a senior who want to do ENT so much, but after 4 years of trying and failed to get into the master program, he ended up as a GP in private clinic.

for Paed, much have to be sacrificed. Leisure time, holiday, family time etc, you just have to stay focus on your patients. I wonder if I could manage myself well for that.

Things change until my senior advised me when I told him I have the mindset to try my luck for the fast track pathway or even take up an external paper to secure a place in the program during my HO, He said the passion I had now is purely based on my interest when I studied and practice as a medical student, not the real life working environment. Things may change and I might made a wrong decision to decide my practice for the future 30 years too early, which brings to regret. He discouraging me from doing it, and advised me to go through all the 6 postings in HO, not skipping any of them, and then only decide what I really want to do.

At first, I was quite reluctant to listen to him, thinking that it would be a waste of time if I already had my aim for it ( oh yeah he is a MO for 3 years btw). Still, I choose to accept his advice, not really appreciating what is the meaning behind ( this really mau kena pukul d Xp)
Then another senior who is closer to me, gave me the same advice, to go through all the postings before I decide what I want to do. Ya both of the seniors I mentioned above are from UPM so I knew them for some time. She wanted to be a OnG specialist so strong since she was medical student. But she changed her mind during her 5th posting in anesthesia, which she felt she wish to go further with it. And she is now a Anes MO in public hospital.

When this condition sounds familiar, I remembered the same things happened on my OnG consultant in UPM, which he did not want to do OnG at the first place but he ended up as a consultant in this field. And well I heard someone who wish to be a internal medicine specialist previously, currently changed his direction towards aesthetic medicine.

And the most epic opinion comes from my bestie when she said: " why you want to rush yourself to become a specialist when you can enjoy the path first. You are not the one should take the major responsibility to feed the family in future leh."
and ya hor, why should I rush??? As I could not find a better reason to beat this opinion, I decided to let myself take the path on my own pace, experienced and choose the specialty I want wisely; and let 老曾 be the one to go harder and further Xp

Story 4
4. Story of another of my junior..... this can be quite offensive but hey, I don mean to harm ya. So the story stared, he is currently a college student, doing his foundation in a private college, and want to do medicine in future. This sounds nothing bad isnt it. But wait, he told that he want to take USMLE in future and practice medicine in USA or Europe country. And I told him that USMLE was not easy. He started to show off 'how much he knows about USMLE"......... Dude, 老曾 studied for USMLE before and I tried on some of the questions of the test before of course I knew how hard it is.

And I tell the story to a best friend of mine, she laughed and said: " asked him to think of it only when he got himself into the medical degree program." Yes it is absolutely correct, what is the point to think so much when you don even secure yourself in a medical college. He talked like enter a medical school is just a piece of cake, and I cant really take it.

If you are arrogant and see yourself higher than others, you just make urself the joke of the day.



1. 越南火锅

这里吃火锅多少钱??我们点 牛肉+ 丸子+ 苏东的材料与酸甜汤底,4个人的价钱是 RM35, 便宜到!!

2. Snail with Minced Meat
结果这是我们在大叻吃到最念念不忘的美食。这一份的价钱是 110,000 VND = RM21.50

3.Bach Tuoc 烤八爪鱼

1-3 在哪里可以吃??
店名: Quan 33 Oc Nhoi Thit
地址是 29B Hai Ba Trung, Dalat 
这家店晚上才营业,建议在 6点-9点之间去用餐,这条街上最高朋满座的店面就是了。

4. 大叻的 yogurt
去越南之前,就有朋友说一定要尝试当地的 yogurt, 然后给我们发现到最好吃的 yogurt 就在大叻。
我们一共吃了3次的 yogurt, 分别是在 An Cafe, Pini Cafe 和大叻教堂附近的一家店面吃的,每次一都很满足
我个人觉得大叻教堂附近的最传统,而 An Cafe 的水果 yogurt 最得我心

5. Bánh tráng kẹp 烤鸡蛋米纸
后来上网做功课的时候,才知道外地人称这个为“ 越式 pizza", 是当地著名的街边小吃

6. 豆豆糯米

7. 炸春卷 Cha Gio

8. Bánh căn 鸡蛋米糕
这个 egg with rice pancake, 是大叻独有的特产哦。用特制的容器把鸡蛋和米糕混合好之后,再配以鱼露油与肉碎丸子,或者是辣椒酱汁,好吃到不得了!


9. 猪肉丸
在好奇心的驱使下,我们打开了一包试试看,原来是猪肉丸啊!我们在 Quan 33, Hai Ba Trung 对面那里吃了一个,很是弹牙爽口,推荐!

10. Bánh mì xíu mại  面包与猪肉丸汤
别误会,此 xiu mai 并非我们的烧卖,而是肉丸子的意思

11. 黄粗面条

店面的地点在 Hai Ba Trung, 有注意我面子书的朋友,那个穿黄衣可爱的越南小女孩就是店家的女儿啦

12. 牛肉面汤 Pho 
来到越南怎么可以错过了灵魂美食~ 河粉??
baby, children, normal, special ( 你有看过人家这么形容河粉的分量的吗?)

13. Boke 海鲜烧烤之龙虾大餐
去到美奈,一定不能错过了 Boke 海鲜烧烤
综合了 tripadvisor 的各种意见,我们选择在 Lucky Boke 的海鲜档口吃海鲜,点了一只 1.3kg 的大龙虾吃,价钱是 845,000 vnd = RM165
这里的食物都很美味,我们还点了 scallop, bbq pork, 炒饭和炒面

14. Banh Mi 法国面包
老曾吃 banh mi 吃上瘾,这个旅程都不知道吃了好几次了

15. Fanny Ice Cream
Fanny Ice Cream 是胡志明市最著名的雪糕店面,我们当然也要去朝圣一下。我们去了 Vincom Centre 的分店
点了这一份椰子的特色雪糕,加上2球不同口味的单点雪糕,要价 RM45 了

16. 田螺 Oc
田螺,也是我们熟悉的 Ba Li Tong, 这里的田螺配上 coconut + 奶,好吃到我们停不下嘴来

17. 鸭胚胎 Balut
其实一开始没打算吃的,不过朋友误会了我的意思(本来只有一个人要尝试), 就给每个人点上了一碗。我可是鼓起了很大的勇气才吃下了第一口。蛋白和蛋黄那里还好,但是吃到未成形的鸭子的时候,还是有点过不了心里那一关。

在哪里吃 no.16,17 的美食??

18.  Banh Beo 
接下来朋友带我们去了一个小巷,点了一桌子的 Banh Beo ( 我们一共点了120盘,占满了2张桌子还要叠上去)
什么是 Banh Beo? 是当地的特色米糕,配上猪皮,葱叶,虾米碎,点上一些鱼露,每一盘都是 bite size, 好好吃!!

19. Banh Nam 
Banh Nam 是当地的 rectangular dumpling, 里头的馅料是一只干虾,同样地配上鱼露油吃,很是开胃哦

哪里可以吃到 no.18 和 19?
我们去的店面是 Banh Beo Hue Thanh Nga
地址是:43 Rạch Bùng Binh - P 9 - Q 3- TPHCM, Rạch Bùng Binh, phường 9, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam

20. Spring Roll 春卷  Gỏi cuốn
我们去 wrap and roll 连锁店吃了越式春卷,材料挺丰富的,不过听我越南朋友说这家店面的不够道地,可惜当天时间有点赶,没办法吃到更好的春卷了

21. Bun Cha 
在飞机场的时候误打误撞点了这碗 Bun Cha, 后来朋友说是越南南部不能错过的美食之一

对于 KLIA 2 和亚航,相信大家都对它又爱又恨,爱它价格便宜人人都能飞,恨它每次便宜的机票都属于“红眼机票“, 要不然就是状况多多。

这里就和大家分享一下一些关于 KLIA 2 和亚航的小资讯,也顺便分享我第一次入住 capsule by container hotel 的初体验,希望可以帮助到大家哦!!

如何前往 KLIA 2??
其实去 KLIA 2 有很多方法,这里给大家整理一下

最省钱 从 KL Sentral / Terminal Bersepadu Selatan TBS 搭巴士 
如果时间充裕的话,我都会选择从 KL sentral 搭  skybus 前往机场,票价大约是 RM10-RM 12/ 人 
上车地点在 KL Sentral 前往 Nu Sentral 电梯的楼下,只需要去柜台买票然后上车就可以了。高峰时间巴士是客满就走,出车挺频密的。
重点是,一定要避开 peak hour 上车,要不然就会被堵在车龙中了。

最安全: KLIA Transit
如果要以最保险的方法抵达机场的话,最好的方法就是搭 KLIA transit. 火车嘛,至少不会堵在车龙里,而且好处是准时!!

搭 KLIA transit 也是有技巧的哦
  • 从 KL sentral 直接前往机场的话,单程价格是 RM 55. 
  • 从 KL sentral 搭 KTM 火车 Seremban 线前往 TBS ( platform 6) = RM 2.40 
  • 从 TBS 前往 KLIA 2 = RM38.40
  • 总计: RM40.80, 省了大约 RM15 那样,如果时间顺利衔接的话是挺不错的。

上网有看到网友分享在 putrajaya sentral 进站出站,价格直接便宜一半,不过我并不太推荐,因为这样一进一出浪费时间,transit 在 putrajaya sentral 站停留的时间并不长,除非你要真的很能跑!

我本身通常都是从 Putrajaya Sentral 直接搭 KLIA Transit 去机场了。Transit 的时间表如下:https://www.kliaekspres.com/plan-buy/schedule/

×如果搭8点钟之前飞机的朋友就千万不要搏了,你最早抵达飞机场的时间是 5.33am 啊!×
KLIA transit 和 Ekspres 的价钱,有不一样哦, ekspres 才是机场快线,从 KL sentral 直接抵达机场不停站的。

最普遍: 驾车前往
虽然公共交通发达,但是相信家庭游加上重大的行李,很多人会选择驾车前往。不过看一看机场的停车费,真的让人很乍舌啊!其实有一个地方,停车便宜,是更好的选择哦 : 

就是把车子停放在 Putrajaya Sentral 的 multi level parking building, 一天的停车费是 RM6 ( 这个地方停车位蛮多的)。这里平日都有守卫看管安全。
然后再花 RM9.40 单程从 Putrajaya Sentral 前往 KLIA 2 ,就这么简单而已


就是搭车去机场了,你可以选择让朋友帮忙接送,德士(额,如果你很有钱的话),还有就是 UBER 啦!

那天老曾回去,想省时间的他直接用 uber 打车回家,从机场回到 Selayang 地区,价钱差不多是 RM70-RM 80. 
我们之前从机场搭德士回去沙登,都差不多要 RM60-RM70 了啊!!所以相比之下, Uber 是更好的选择了。不过千万要小心不要被人打啊哈哈

买到红眼机票,就难免要在机场过夜了。在机场过夜并不是一件舒服的事情,在早期的时候,我们还可以在机场内找一个角落直接睡下,可是近年来都会被保安赶走了 T...T


最省钱 + 在最腰骨酸痛 : 找一张 C 型椅子睡觉
在KLIA 2 的底楼靠近巴士站那里,有很多类似上图的椅子,可以在那里免费睡觉。

升级版: 去餐厅睡觉
虽然说 KLIA 2 是一家24小时营业的机场,但是里头的店面并不是全部都 24 小时都营业的。比起睡冷冰冰的椅子,有些店面有提供沙发位子,还有插座,我们只需要点上店铺里的一些食物饮料就可以睡整晚,就花点小钱。

上次去美里,我们睡的是 Burger King 的沙发座,比较舒服。
×以前最爱 texas chicken 的沙发,但是最近沙发不见了呜呜×

舒适版: Capsule by Container Hotel
因为这一次飞胡志明市之后我们还要搭下一趟飞机去大叻,考虑到抵达目的地的时候如果睡眠不足会影响行程,所以就决定好好犒劳自己,住进 Capsule by Container Hotel l啊。我们当晚很幸运地有房间入住呢!

Capsule by Container Hotel 有分成 3 个小时,6个小时和9个小时的入住价钱,我们选择了6个小时,从12am-6pm,价钱是 RM80/ 人。

下面和大家好好地介绍我们在 Capsule by Container Hotel 的初体验吧!
 Capsule hotel (胶囊旅馆)其实是用集装箱改装而成的,空间就只有一张床位的大小。如果要双人床为的话一定要提前预订哦。有分成上铺和下铺,还有一张门帘,拉下来就是自己的私人空间好好睡觉啦

当天我们抵达之后,先去预订房间,然后去 mitsui 走走逛逛,时间到了就去柜台领房卡,要付上 按柜金哦。

领了房卡,我们先将行李寄放在 locker 里头,住客可以在柜台免费领取钥匙和锁头。
locker 的空间很大,我们可以放进一个拖拉行李和2个背包

我们当天选择了 mixed dorm, 这里还有分成男生和女生的胶囊房间,所以就算是女生 solo travel 也不必太担心啦


capsule container hotel 的床位空间还蛮大的,至少我还能够笔直地坐起来(要不然敲到头好痛!)。房间内有2个舒适的枕头,暖暖的被单,一个床头灯等等,让我们在等飞机的当儿也能够有好眠。


床边有电话,有需要 morning call 的话可以按照指示让柜台服务哦

墙壁上还有一个小法宝,拉开来就是一张小桌子和一面镜子,这样 check out 上飞机前也能够好好地整理自己的仪容,不会太狼狈了

至于 wifi, 工作人员会在 check in 的时候把 wifi 密码分给我们,不过当晚我们简单地梳洗之后就直接倒下去睡了,没好好用到 wifi

check in capsule container hotel 的住客,还有一个环保袋,不过这个是要在 check out 的时候归还给柜台,要不然就拿不回按柜金啦。


最棒的就是每一个房间都会提供一双拖鞋让我们上厕所冲凉!这个让我们省去很多不必要的麻烦,Capsule Container Hotel 真的有顾虑到住客需要的小细节,这一点很赞,也让我们有很好的入住体验。


mixed dorm 的厕所空间相比之下比较狭窄,让我们在梳洗的时候转身什么很不方便。这里用的是天降式的花洒,所以用起来就是爽啊。当天不知道出了什么事情,并没有热水供应,早上冲冷水还真的是马上冷醒了。
这里有提供 shampoo 和 body gel, 印象中好像有吹风筒。


我们在 Capsule by Container Hotel 的入住初体验就这样简单地结束咯。

不想入住的话,也可以付费使用这里的浴室( RM25) 或者是寄柜行李哦。价钱请到柜台询问。

如果不想付费冲凉但又不喜欢黏糊糊的感觉上飞机,在 Domestic Departure 禁区外面那里的厕所有花洒给乘客们免费洗澡哦!!

Capsule by Container Hotel
Lot L1-2 & 3, Gateway, Terminal KLIA2, KL International Airport, Jalan KLIA 2/1, 64000 KLIA, Sepang. ( 靠近巴士站那里)

豪华版:Plaza Premium Lounge KLIA 2 / Tune Hotel
如果想要更舒适的入住的话,也可以考虑入住 lounge 或者是 tune hotel 哦,不过我暂时还没那个预算,等有机会体验了再和大家分享。
想知道更多关于 Lounge 的资料请点击:http://jazzlah.blogspot.my/2015/11/plaza-premium-lounge-klia2.html


最省钱: 上网
KLIA 2 有提供免费 wifi 服务,想在这里刷 facebook, 看 youtube, po 照片都可以。

到处乱逛: 美食与购物
KLIA 2 里头有不少的店铺,当中我最喜欢去的有 jelly bunny, H&M, Vincci 等等,想买 日常用品的话有 Jaya Groceries, Watson 等等。 
除了购物,这里更是有多到数不尽的美食店面, McDonald, Burger King 等等快餐店绝对不能少,BMS Organic, Nyonya 餐,还有一家日本拉面,都好好吃!

Family Mart 在 KLIA 2 开张啦,我们当然要去打卡一下,买了抹茶雪糕吃。隔天早上也在这里买了饭团和东关煮,吃饱饱满足了才上飞机去

不能错过: Mitsui Outlet Park 
如果你的转机时间有超过3个小时以上的话,不要呆在机场了,快搭 Mitsui Outlet Park 的免费接驳巴士去 shopping 啦(前提是你一定要已经 check in 了)

下到底楼,从 Gate 3 走去 Platform B9, 等这辆黄色小巴士来,上车就可以抵达啦
除此之外,还可以用这个 Free Shuttle Bus 的服务前往 KLIA 1 呢。

在这里,可以用比较便宜的价格买 branded items,例如 Carlo Rino, Skechers, Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Superdry 等等,也有许多好吃的餐馆。我们去越南出发前就去了一趟 MOP, 买到我的心头好了。

过个游客瘾: 探索布城
如果你有 6个小时的转机/待机时间的话,还可以参加 KLIA Transit 和  Putrajaya 联手的 Putrajaya Sightseeing Tour, 长达3个小时的旅程,一路有导游给大家分享布城的故事。

从 KLIA 2 来回布城  + 导游费+ 入门票,一个成人也只需要 RM37.80, 遇上促销的时候还会有折扣呢。


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番外篇: Missed Flight 了,应该怎么办?
如果missed flight 了,应该怎么做?
人生中第一次 missed flight 献给了 air asia, 因为胡志明市那里班机延误了2个小时多,我们 missed 掉了下一趟的 flight ( 亚航归类为 connecting flight, 事实上我们是用不同的 booking number 的 individual flight) .

在 klia 2 遇上这种事情,应该怎么做?
  1.  在飞机上请空姐/空少确认地勤已经通知下一趟飞机关于飞机 delay 的消息
  2.  抵达之后,到 transfer counter 那里确认还能不能够上飞机。
  3. 飞机飞了,到楼上 departure hall 那里的 service counter ( 在 U16/ 对面的柜台)
  4.  向空服员说明情况,递上两趟的机票。他们会重新帮我们免费订下一趟的班机
  5. 去kiosk 那里用我们的booking number 重新 check in 班机,拿新的 boarding pass
  6. 进入禁区,等待上机了。

*这是 air asia 班机的程序,其他航班的请到柜台询问详情。我们的班机从 HCMC-KL, KL-Penang, 都是 air asia, 没有 check in luggage

** 只限前一趟班机被 delay 导致同一个航空公司下一趟flight 被 missed 掉的情况

**** 我们的新机票价钱贵了一倍,但是因为是 air asia 班机延误的问题所以免费更换新机票

1. 如果抵达的时候,departure 板上已经是 boarding status, 在 transfer counter 的时候请地勤帮忙问看能不能换机票了吧。那时地勤叫我们 “try your luck", 我们从 international terminal 拖着行李一路狂奔去 J gate,看着飞机退出去,当下真的晴天霹雳。 KLIA 2 很大跑很累啊!!

2. 买亚航的机票尽量间隔4个小时或以上吧。我试过3个小时半的间隔,前一趟飞机delay 了,我几乎是下飞机后马上奔去的(幸好那时是两趟 domestic flight 而已)

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