矿湖,算是马来西亚的一个特色景点吧?? 毕竟不是每一个国家都有矿啊科科


1. TT5,马来西亚最后的矿船
说到矿湖,第一个要介绍的就是马来西亚最后的矿船~ Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge No.5!! 

上个世纪中,锡米矿业曾经蓬勃发展,Lembuh Kinta 和雪兰莪都是当中的翘楚。而采锡矿业中也有许多方法,铁船法、沙泵法、矿井法…

在锡矿业最辉煌的时候,马来西亚一共有123艘矿船,当中霹雳的 Lembuh Kinta 就有66艘。
这里介绍的的 TT5, 是在 1938 年开始投入工作,一直到 1970末,因为锡米矿业的没落而停止。

当初那么多艘的矿船都去了哪里,为什么剩下 TT5 而已?
大部分的矿船,都变成了废铁给人卖了出去,只有这个 TT5 被留下了。 TT5 一共有3大部分,是英国制造的铁船,飘洋过海来到了马来亚,历时18个月在马来亚重新组装。这个铁船身长 75米,有5层楼高,船身4500 吨,在当时是属于中型船号的铁船。


说起来吓我们一跳,这个矿湖平均深度4米,最深处可以去到22米,这个矿湖是 TT5 原本的运营位置



Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge No.5 马来西亚最后的采锡铁船
  9th KM, Jalan Tanjung Tualang, 31000 Batu Gajah, Negeri Perak
营业时间: 9am-6pm 
电话: 014-904 3255

2. 槟城威省区的 Guar Petai  
这个地方我3年前去的时候是秘密景点,现在已经变成了威省区很著名的打卡景点了,还多了一个名字~ 小九寨沟
其实很不喜欢有些人为了吸引读者的眼球硬硬给大马的景点冠上 “ 大马版的 XXX", 好好的一个地方,外国游客看了会觉得是一个笑话。





大马小九寨沟 Guar Petai
地址:Kampung Guar Petani, Tasik Gelugor
GPS地址:N5.435606, E100.484184

3. 雪兰莪的  Tadom Hill Resort  
当时去 Tadom Hill Resort 是2016年这里刚开张不久的时候,现在 Tadom Hill Resort 有更多更好玩的设施了。
以前去tadom hill 的时候,第一个感觉就是这个地方很美,但不至于像网络上宣传般的世外桃源。不过有一点我不否认,拍照的角度真的很重要。这个地方之所以看起来漂亮是因为平静的水面映着碧绿色,加上湖的另一面有一座岩石小山,让整体上的构造看起来不一样

这就是 Tadom Hill Resort 湖面的全景啦~ 这个湖其实说大不大,说小不小,没有先进的水上滑梯什么,只有最原始的竹筏舟等等,让游客们来一场原始版的水上乐园活动




我这位长得魁梧的朋友下水的姿态非常帅气,下水之前还像tarzan 一样“哦以哦”了几声


4. 名气最响的太平湖 

太平湖畔林立着成荫的巨大的古代雨树 (“angsana”) ,它们枝繁叶茂,从道路的一端绵延到湖边。太平湖面积超过 64 公顷,拥有十个风景如画的湖泊和池塘、一座莲花池、迷人小桥、慢跑和足底按摩小径,四周环抱着热带植物、花卉、树木,还可以在湖面上踩天鹅船




5. 曾经一时风光的 Bukit Merah 矿湖景区 
Bukit Merah 景区前身也是一个矿湖,而且这个矿湖面积很大,我们平日搭 ETS 也可以看到这个美丽的湖景。在2000初的时候,这里有很著名的 Bukit Merah 水上乐园,可以说那时北马的小朋友们几乎都曾经来这里玩。
但随着科技的发展,Bukit Merah 的盛况已经大不如前了,我们在周末前往,也只有寥寥无几的游客。

但这次我们到 Bukit Merah, 是想体验一下 Kampung Air 的水上屋,还有去人猿岛看看

之前已经觊觎这个水上屋已经很久了,一开始以为价钱会很贵,但是很惊喜的在 Agoda 的官方网站双人房售价也只是 RM220/ 一晚

住在 Kampung Air 最棒的体验就是可以在阳台看着美丽的湖景享受丰富的早餐!!

来到 Bukit Merah, 就是要去参观人猿岛啦!很多人以为,只有在婆罗洲才有人猿保育地,其实不用去到太远,Bukit Merah 就有16只活泼的人猿哦,很适合一家大小来

6. Gunung Lang 昆仑浪休闲公园 
Gunung Lang 休闲公园前身也是一个矿湖,是最靠近市区的矿湖之一了。怡保其实有很多大大小小的矿湖,美化成休闲公园的也有好几个,Gunung Lang 是其中名气比较大的

Gunung Lang 之后,因为是周末的关系人潮也挺多,不过都是同胞们。Gunung Lang 的码头很小很小,需要搭船到对面的公园去走走,船费大约是 RM2/人,大约每十分钟一趟船班,每次可以载上40个人。


7. 古晋的碧湖 
石隆门有个美丽的人造湖,清幽绮丽的碧湖。 湖深约有三百多尺。 碧湖,也有人称之为大巴力湖。 它原来是个金砺,是由刻苦耐唠的华工以锄头,铲子,把平地掘成深三百多尺的砺坑。 如今,碧湖清幽绮丽,映观湖畔的山脉,景致令人心映旷神怡,是野餐和游泳的好去处。



8. The Mines Shopping Mall  
The Mines Shopping Mall 是马来西亚少数有水道穿过购物广场的地方吧?
在 IOI city Mall 开张之前,这是我们 UPM 大学生最常来的地方。这里的矿湖景区很大,有别墅区、小动物园(不知道现在还有没有)和购物广场,我记得我大二的时候曾经和朋友买票搭船游湖,感觉还挺不错的,只是安全措施欠佳,不晓得现在有没有改善呢??

9. Sunway Lagoon 双威水上乐园 
我在进行资料整理的时候,很惊讶原来 Sunway Lagoon 前身也是一个矿湖区,只是如今已经没有了矿湖的样子了。

还有一些我没探索过的矿湖景点,比如柔佛和登嘉楼的蓝湖,还有 Trong 的养鸭场,找个机会去走走看

最近看了 Spice Travel 的影片,很喜欢他们的其中一个主题~ 你被 IG 美照绑架了旅行吗??


1. 沙沙蓝的天空之镜
3 年前,我在大马沙沙蓝的天空之镜浅滩还没爆红之前,和‘海浪滔滔’民宿去了一趟,上了一堂很丰富的大自然课,也被这大自然神秘的浅谈深深吸引着。




打开 insta, 都是美到不真实的样子




所以,你看完这背后的操作,你还想要花2个小时曝晒来拍照吗??不如直接在家里用镜子拍更好。希望这次 MCO, 可以让这里的自然生态喘息过来。

2. Pantai Klebang  
近年来这个地方或红了起来,一开始是填海区的沙堆形成的独特风景,引来了许多游客到这里拍“假沙漠照”,加上这里有很迷人的夕阳, 在 Ig 上非常出名

有人说可以媲美越南的白沙丘,额,人家也只是叫沙丘,而且是大到我们可以玩 ATV 那种。



3. 怡保的小桂林景区~ Gunung Lang Recreational Park 
大马景点是一个很矛盾的地方,有时候景色其实不输人,但偏偏有心人为了吸引读者,把标题打成了“ 大马版 xxx"
例子?? 大马版九寨沟其实就是矿湖、大马版纽西兰牛场、大马版马尔代夫等等。每个景区都有自己的特色,没必要拿来和其他地方比较

Gunung Lang 其实是当地挺漂亮的一个休闲公园,但我很老实地说,缺乏维修。把她喻为大马版的小桂林也差太远

我还是不明白那些人到底为啥喜欢过分 edit 照片制造假象呢??? PS 人就好了,咱们别 PS 景色好吗?? Gunung Lang 公园其实很小而已,还要搭船去对岸,收费要 RM10 ( 好贵!) 
是有山有水啦,但马来西亚还有更多美丽的湖景,我本身就很推荐 Royal Belum 和肯逸湖。听说 Tasik Chini 和 Tasik Bera 也很漂亮,找个机会去走一趟

 4. Astaka Morocco 
近年来这个 Astaka Morocco 突然间红了起来,我和我朋友们笑了,这个地方, 是我们还在上大学的时候,去 Botanica Garden 骑脚踏车,路途中的其中一个休息站。
所以,你知道这个 Astaka Morocco 真正在哪里吗??我挺佩服那些为了拍照的人,从入口处走到这个地方其实蛮远的,而且天气曝晒。可以把一个休息站排成一个景点挺不错的



5. Pusat Sains Negara 的彩虹步道
有一段时间掀起了彩虹打卡景点,而这个几百年都没有有人要来的 Pusat Sains Negara, 因为一次的翻新的彩虹玻璃外墙,在太阳的投射下营造出一种浪漫的感觉。


那天我俩在家里闲着无聊,Pusat Sains Negara 就在家里附近而已,就来走走逛逛,这就是从外头拍过去的景色了,伫立在小山上是挺漂亮的。 

我们在科学馆里逛了大约2个小时,里头有很丰富的科学知识,是我们这些念到大学都不懂的。和槟城的 Tech Dome Science 相比之下残旧了一点,但规模可是不相上下。只可惜不是每一个站点都有专人介绍,要不然会更有趣。


除此之外,还有几个我觉得很雷人的景点,比如鬼仔巷,原意是好的,但发展和宣传似乎偏离了原道,那天去参加 Petaling Street 的 guided walking tour 的时候,被告知其实这条小巷给当地居民带来了很大的困扰,其实也破坏了原有的样貌。我那天去了一下,与其说是欣赏 Petaling Street 的故事,事实上是这样的


还有一个很让我傻眼的,就是 Avani Sepang Goldcoast Resort, 那一大片碧蓝的的大海。额,未免 P 图也 P 太多了吧?

所以,别盲目地被美照绑架了我们的旅行,那样的话和我们在家里拍一张照然后 P 进背景图里有什么区别呢??也希望那些农场文章,别再给马来西亚景点冠上一些奇奇怪怪的名字,为了打卡而打卡。

Received a few messages from my juniors on choosing their career path in the future, some of them are house officers and some are still in medical school. I’m going to share some of my thought in this topic today, and I hope it will be useful!

When to choose the career path??

Actually there is no right or wrong on the timing to choose any specific specialty, but my advise is, don’t pick it from the beginning. Some of the students have set their target even from medical school, eg to be a neurosurgeon or obstetrician. Some of my juniors took their 1st part of external postrgraduate papers even before entering housemanship. It is good to prepare early for the road ahead, but for me, don’t set it too early and as your choices become narrowed.

Of course if you have already decided and you are quite certain you can be as successful as my friend, as he set his goal quite early during housemanship and he completed his MRCP exams during his 2nd year of being a medical officer.

I always wanted to be a surgeon when I was in my medical school, as I was deeply inspired by my surgeon lecturer, who was not only a beautiful woman but was successful in both her career and family life. I tried my best to perform well during my examination in surgical rotation during medschool, but I knew, I wasn’t up to the standard. So I pushed myself even harder.I went to Australia for a Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary rotation during my elective posting, and I found myself to be very weak in anatomy, which is very important in the surgical field. To be a surgeon in Malaysia, we have to enrol ourselves into the local master programme, where the seats and availability are limited and very competitive. I joined some symposiums that time, and it got me quite depressed after learning the prospects. Yet I still keep my mind’s decision to be a surgeon, as I prepared myself for the MRCS exam in the beginning of my housemanship. I even bought myself a basic suture set to motivate myself as graduation gift. 

Although I have to ask myself, was I happy?? To be honest, I felt scared most of the time as I don’t feel secure. My BFF in my uni, Shah teased me before our graduation, that she did not see me as a surgeon, but as a paediatrician. Well, who knew she was right and I’m on my path currently to become one, hoping I won’t quit in between haha.

So, what changed my mind?? When I entered housemanship, I started with my posting in general medicine. I enjoyed the adrenaline rush and the part where I was involved in making decision for patients’ medications, which my medical officers guided me very well. Then I entered Obestetrics and Gynaecology posting as a 2nd poster, and I was lucky to have more chances to be an assistant in the operation theatre than my colleagues. I enjoyed assisting caesarean section a lot, but I could not really stand the long operating hours. I felt a bit fatigued for that. Still, I held my will, and I promised Feena that we will get through this together. Sorry Feena, I left you alone in surgical XP

I got into orthopaedics as third poster, and it really changed my mind a lot. I didn’t enjoy being in the  OT anymore, as I felt very burdened and I didn’t  really knew my role well in the begining. My job in the OT was to make sure the medication was ready, get the board done with the procedure’s and name list of surgeons, getting the x-ray ready onto the lightbox, getting myself scrubbed in, and blank staring in the OT most the time. I enjoyed the non complicated procedures, when I was the 1st or 2nd assistant, rather than just holding on to the yonkers suction. But when it came to a procedure that involveds 2 surgeons/ 2 senior MOs, trust me I don’t even have chance to touch the retractor or yonker suction.  I cant recognise the operating instruments on the operational table, they looked exactly the same to me. I felt a bit lost that time. The surgical based environment may be a bit toxic I would say, they have long working hours, get scolded for minor mistakes, and ya, some political arguments in between. From that moment onward, I decided not to continue to hold onto a dream that I don’t feel I belong to. I need a good work life balance; I want my holiday fully undisturbed.  I don’t see my surgeons getting a real holiday, they need to rush back to hospital immediately if the patient that they in charged of get into complications.

Then I entered my 4th posting into paediatrics, where I received a lot of good guidance from my seniors from my alma mater – UPM . I was happy in the department, and that moment I agreed with Shah, yeah I do love paediatric but I hid it up before this. I have shared my stories of my paediatric posting in my previous post so Im not going to repeat it here again.
What made me sealed the decision for paediatrics??Well, I was badly traumatised by adult patients, , the non compliance on medication, the complications of chronic illnesses, the midnight emergencies. Okay, I had enough of that, I decided I’m not going to deal with adults, so I got myself into paediatric.

This happened to many of us in real life. My senior who was very passionate in Obstetrics and Gynaecology when she first started her housemanship, is now an Anaesthesiology medical officer in the masters programme. My friend who always wanted to be a cardiothoracic surgeon previously, is now an internal medicine medical officer. My paediatrician wanted to be a public health specialist previously. As you can see, many of us changed our direction after working.

What we expected during the medical school, and what we experienced during our working life is totally different. Let’s say if someone is too stubborn from the beginning, he/she would not enjoyed the journey as he/she might think that, neh, this is not related to my future career, I might not need this. They might do very well in the field that they interested in, but they failed to be a doctor who treats a patient as a whole. That is why I hate to get referrals for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) from the other departments, as a doctor you cannot manage a child URTI ? grrrrr…… So ya, please learn from each department, use the knowledge, treat the patient from head to toe, instead of overlooking the details and the patient ends up being readmitted in a bad shape.

My advice is to have a goal from the beginning, but let yourself explore more during housemanship. Try to learn everything as much as possible, and when it comes to the end of  housemanship, decide the pathway you choose and go for it. It would be most ideal to make up your mind in 5th or 6th posting in housemanship, or during the 6 months floating period before getting transferred. Getting labelled too early during housemanship is not a good thing either, people will think that you are not respecting the department and you might be targetted easily. It is okay to have some failures, learn and stand up again. I gave up my dream as a surgeon, but I’m happy with my life currently as a paediatric medical officer.

Some people might question, you are not experienced enough yet to make a decision, why don’t you just follow the flow?? My answer will be, why should I when I know what I want to do, and what Im going to do?? And that is the time we see the importance of holding an external paper, we have more right to fight for what we want, we sharpen our knowledge of the field that we are interested in so we can do better for our patients. Housemanship is not a honeymoon period.

So, for those who are still indecisive, or maybe excellent in all postings ( like some of my friends haha), maybe you can try on the elimination method. 

First, do you like surgical or medical based specialty? Do you enjoy working with drugs, or with surgical equipment in the operational theatre?
If you don’t like both, then, do you enjoy communicating with people?? If yes, maybe can try on public health or admin work; if no, then maybe you can try on pathology, radiology, blood bank and etc
If surgical based , which one is your preference?? Head, nose, ear/throat, eyes, abdominal cavity, thoracic, heart, or limbs???
If medical, do you like adult or children??
then slowly we will eliminate those we do not want and that will make our choices clearer.

In the end, let me share a joke that I told my junior on recently,. She is interested in medical based specialties and talking to patient, but she is new to the field and asked for some advice. I told her
psychiatry - basically its all about talking
paediatrics- most of the time we are nagging like a grandma
geriatric- err, your patient will talk more than you
anaesthesiology – shut up and tube.
Xppp, no offense to anyone ya. Thank you for reading and have a good night! 
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