去到马六甲,除了主要和老友们聚一聚之外,也顺便来一趟观光之旅再加美食趴趴走。马六甲除了是文化的瑰宝之外,几百年下来的文化也保留了不少的美食,当中最让人向往的就是baba nyonya 的美食了! 这次旅途来不及去品尝葡萄牙美食,不过来日方长嘛! 还会有机会的

我们美食的第一站就是大名鼎鼎的Nadeje Patisserie千层蛋糕,出名到即使不是用餐时间店面外也有长长的人龙等待,地点就在 Mahkota Parade 的 G-23b,肯德基快餐店的隔壁而已,人潮最容易暴露这间店面的行踪啦~ 
Banana Coco Flavor

Original flavor
大众都推荐原味的最好吃 ^^ 相较之下,因为少了浓重的调味,千层糕的奶油香更能散发出来,好吃好吃嘻嘻。而且入口即化也!难怪大家都喜欢来这间店朝圣哈哈

我们当天一共点了三个口味来尝尝,分别是 Original, Banana Coco, Lemon Cheese
总共加起来不包含饮料一共是 RM 29.70, 是有点小贵,不过出来消费一下也不为过啦嘻嘻

来到马六甲千万就不要错过了 Nadeje 千层蛋糕!!


那么中华和和记,哪一个比较好吃呢?其实我也不太懂,这两间各有千秋。敏在当地读书,她介绍了我们中华,当然我也相信她的味蕾啦。印象中上次来马六甲毕业旅行时,朋友们也是带了我们吃中华茶室的鸡饭粒。中华的位置很好认,就在鸡场街入口处的右边,三叔公的对面白色建筑物而已。 三叔公的另一边其实就是和记啦哈哈。同样的,长长的人龙就是招牌。




营业时间:7.30am 开始营业,直到售完

第三站:Jonker 88
晚餐的时候,除了一路上的小食以外,我们最主要的目的地就是去鸡场街里的 Jonker 88 品尝当地的娘惹菜! 到底这里的娘惹菜和槟城的有什么不一样呢? 

Cendol RM5
这里的cendol 是以马六甲糖 Gula Melaka 来取代普通的砂糖,所以比较甜了些,而且 santan味也比较重口味。材料方面也比较少,没有哪个青青色的东西 ( lol 我也不知道哪个到底叫什么哈哈)

Nyonya Laksa RM7
Nyonya Laksa 里头有碎鱼肉,鱼饼,半粒熟蛋,青瓜丝,洋葱片,laksa 面和腐卜
和平日吃的laksa 相比,这里的材料比较丰富,而且鱼肉味比较重

Nyonya Baba Kahwin Laksa RM7
听到这个名字的时候,我心里想:这是什么名堂啊?外表看起来好像和nyonya laksa 无异,但是汤头给了我们很大的惊喜。汤头比较浓,好像 kari + laksa 的感觉,而且里面是鸡肉而不是鱼肉,说实话我比较喜欢这道娘惹食物也

3 个人,3样食物再加一个 cendol,我们还真挺厉害吃的 =..= ( 不过在槟城的时候,我们好像比这来得更夸张哈哈)
当天还有一道 Baba Rendang Noodle RM6.50
这一道,还来不及拍下就被吃了 =..= 第一口吃下觉得味道很不错,可是后面的时候就觉得kari santan 味略重,吃多了会容易腻口,如果可以的话最好是几个人一起共享,材料很不错丰富下
Jonker 88 早上的外观

Jonker 88
地址:88, Jalan Hang Jebat ( 鸡场街内,geographer cafe 的对面)
营业时间:周二至周四和公假 10am-6pm
                    周五和周六 10am-11pm

吃完晚餐后,一路上我们还有买小食,然后一路慢慢走去吃万里香沙爹作宵夜。Satay Celup 是马六甲著名的吃法,好像吃火锅那样把材料放进沙爹酱里煮。在马六甲著名的satay celup 有万里香和佳必多,敏告诉我们万里香的酱料比较好吃,价钱比较便宜而且可以免去长长的人龙(上次来马六甲的时候吃佳必多排了一个多钟的队伍)

万里香沙爹离开鸡场街比较遥远,要步行大约20分钟才会抵达,朝着培风学校的方向走去就是了。具体的方向嘛,我们也是问路了好几次才找到的(嘻嘻本地人的好处就是不用怕迷路)。个人觉得如果想拿satay celup 来当正餐的话,就真的下重本了,有点不划算。所以我们选择吃来过个瘾而已,宵夜时不错的选择。


satay celup 的 酱料,汤底使用沙爹酱制成,里面有很多花生碎。不过列,这里的酱料是有点循环食用的,所以有洁癖的朋友要注意啦

这里把材料串在一起放进冰箱里,一串价钱多少里面会写得清清楚楚。有点像槟城的“ lok lok" 
地址:jalan Ong Kim Wee, 培风中学附近
营业时间:5pm 开始

秀在万里香的隔壁买了鸡蛋冰 RM3
很 fruity and yogurt, 非常推荐一试! 

第五站:板底街 芋饭肉羹汤



这一次我们住在oriental residence riverside guesthouse, 故名思义,就坐落在马六甲河畔,离开 jonker street 主街也只是5分钟的步行而已,非常方便 (不过这条小径晚上是抢劫黑区,所以一定要结伴而行,而且要随时提高警惕。我拿着雨伞当着是随身武器哈哈)

单车只是装饰品而已 huhu

我们订的是三人房,民宿给我们一个 king size bed 再加一个床褥。可是对我们而言,king size bed 已经足够我们三个一起滚床单啦哈哈

民宿通往鸡场街的捷径,是不是很古色古香呢? 嘻嘻
地址: 78, Jalan Kampung Pantai, Melaka 
价钱:RM105 三人房 through AGODA 

好啦,这就是我2014 年的最后一篇
goodbye 2014, Welcome 2015 ^^ 
祝大家有一个愉快的2015 年

Tis is my second tour for island hopping in Langkawi and I chose AB motel once again! AB motel offered the cheapest price for island hopping at the rate of RM25 per pax for a 4 hour trip, which included Pulau Dayang Bunting, Pulau Singa Besar for eagle watching, and last but not least Pulau Beras Basah for water activities and beautiful beach moment. Here, I will divide my trip post into 2 parts ( too many photos to share hehe), and this is the last series of photos captured with my Canon Ixus 138 T..T 

So we made our reservation for island hopping on the first day in Pulau Langkawi in Pantai Cenang. It is easily recognisable with the board of " AB Motel", which is not far away from Underwaterworld Langkawi and shopping mall there in case you missed it like me =..= 
We booked the trip for the next day morning ( they have island hopping trip daily, morning and evening. I tried the evening one last time so I would like to go for morning session this time hehe). We got the local price at RM25, and they charged foreigner at RM30. So in case of this, hehe just give your typical Malaysian accent to prove you are a Malaysian Xp

We also took their shuttle service to ease us. It is free of charge! We just inform them the name of our hotel and they will pick us up at 9am. We stayed in Langkawi Green Resort, and we board on the shuttle bus at Sun Bistro, quite punctual in fact hehe. The shuttle van was quite old but still functioning well ( I guess so? haha). It took us about 10 minutes ride from Pantai Tengah to jetty near Awana Resort. 

The view of the jetty. Of course, quite dirty if compared to beaches in Langkawi, since it is just a jetty
there is quite a few numbers of company which offer the same rate as AB motel for island hopping, and yes, all the boats in this pic, were going for island hopping ( included private tour) 

a closer view with the boats
we board on the boat from the beach. For those who wear beautiful shoes may cry for this because our feet were wet as we needed to walk in the water before we board on haha. 

So we started our journey at 9.30am. Say bye to the jetty ^^ 
our captain was a young Malay guy, and I would like to say he really drive the boat recklessly =..= Yes it is adventurous but I don really wanna risk my life for it although I had put on the life jacket. as compared to my last journey, the captain was a pak cik and he really emphasise on the safety on the boat. 

The view of Awana Porto Malai
This is one of the best spot for sunset in Pulau Langkawi with the rainbow corridor. But we don have the chance to visit it due to our packed schedule. 

Look at the water, it is not crystal clear but 碧绿色 

I love the colour of the sea here so much. Instead of crystal clear or blue it is aquamarine in colour. Such a nice combination with the cliff aside
and we love the sea breeze so much haha, it is so refreshing, especially when we sat on the front row without any obstacles hehe. 

more beautiful pictures of the sea
Actually the captain stopped at a spot to view for the shape of the island, which looks like a pregnant woman with a head, neck and big tummy ( this is how the island got its name, Lake of Pregnant Maiden). too bad I did not really get a good spot for the pic, but based on imagination it really looks like a pregnant lady!

after about 20 minutes ride on the sea, we reached our first destination of the day~ lake of Pregnant Maiden. There is a beautiful legend behind the name of this beautiful place, the local believes that woman who suffers from infertility can get pregnant after consume water in the lake. Believe it or not? haha

we had an hour time on the island, well it was not enough to me honestly, because I need more time to explore the beauty of this island. Captain will make head count before and after the drop off. 

And we were greeted by this big fellow~ hello biawak!! ( monitor lizard in Malay)
there is also small crabs and unique creature we can spot over here

say HI to Lake of Pregnant Maiden
wore my new singlet from Malacca Jonker Street ( RM 12) and hot pants from Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok ( 50 baht = RM 5 )

The view of the lake on the right. 
We can rent the boat ( with solar) at price of RM50 if nt mistaken, but we did not hehe. 

Over the left side is the floating platform so people can swim in the lake, ok, diving haha
There is a safety rope so people would not gone too far away during swimming because the lake is as deep as 10m! another unique part about this island is the lake is actually a fresh water lake surrounded by the sea, yes this island is in the middle of the sea. 

Olivia was the model of the day for me and Gracie. 
the background is just too gorgeous isnt it?

Our selfie together~ 
my camera was overexposed =..=

just enjoy the peace on the island. 
there is actually a jungle trekking lane on the island, but we just had not enuf time to explore it. 

The platform was getting crowded with visitors who cant wait to get themselves into the water. And i just sat there and watched some of the bikini girls pweeiiit Xp

spotted some boat on the lake? 

don be too sad if you cant swim like me, we had some other activities here hehe
thought it just a simple " feet soaking session?" neh you are wrong!! Let's have a closer look

it is actually a fish spa session!! just soaked our feet in the water and the fish will swim over haha. felt quite geli at first but it was really a special experience
of coz, I have a good foot hygiene. I have no idea how the guy can attract so many fish at one time =..= 

my elephant legs =..= with a bruise spot on my right knee ( I went for trampoline on the day before departure to Langkawi with him and this is the souvenir I got) 
the water is quite crystal clear, and it is so cool and refreshing. when the fish passed through my legs, it was so itchy actually haha. Olivia could not resist it and run away Xpp 

Monkey with the water
There is a lot of monkey on the island so beware of it. But they were harmless most of the time, just DO NOT offer them any food. 

Gracie even shake hand with the monkey, it just sat quietly and looked into camera. Both of them are so photogenic! 
( before it get irritated becoz there was a visitor who was brainless to throw something towards it) 

The staircase towards the jetty. 

boats waiting for the passenger from different company. 

The jetty of the lake of Pregnant Maiden. 
We board on the boat from the jetty instead of walking cross the water like what we did on the beach. 

another piece of aquamarine sea water~ 
this is the reason y i love nature, every colour give a different feeling. 

and we departed to our second destination in island hopping package~ 
eagle feeding session in Pulau Singa Besar
will update it soon in the next blog post ^^ 

thanks for reading and have a nice day to everyone, and prepare yourself to welcome the arrival of 2015 ^^ 

来到了香港,怎么可以错过香火最鼎盛的黄大仙祠? 在各个香港电影和电视剧出镜率最高的地方之一,错过了岂不是白来香港一趟了?去了车公庙之后,我们便乘搭地铁去到了“黄大仙站”,从B2 出口走出来,是一座购物中心,再往前走就可以看到汹涌的人群了。







反正现在都已经找到了,就不需要绑红线啦, 哈哈







最后, 两位美女和美猴王齐天大圣来一张作为道别啦

随后,我们便在购物中心内的7-11 便利店解决午餐,这里的微波炉食物选择真广,而且很不错吃!和马来西亚的比起来,我们这里弱暴了!而且 7-11 的食物还真不错便宜的哟

好啦,今天就写到这里为止了,这也是香港景点介绍的最后一篇了,接下来的就是“TVB剧景大合集”。最近会比较忙,所以没什么时间 update, 这篇游记应该是8月的事情了 >..< 没办法,小儿科实在是忙到抽不出多少时间来。谢谢大家的阅读,bye bye ^^ 

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