
哈哈,今天继续来吉胆岛一日游。吉胆岛最著名的就是她的海鲜和纯朴的渔村风情吧?来到了这里,真的 很relax,离开了 大城市的喧哗,静静地欣赏这里的风土人情。不过说实话的,这个岛屿有很大的发展空间,只不过卫生问题实在是最大的败笔。另外,说海鲜嘛,吉胆岛的海鲜还可真不便宜。来到这里了,不可能不来吃一吃。(当时好害怕没有钱付账回不来)这次吉胆岛走一趟,最大的收获应该就是渔村和天空的照片了。


pat 和虾米场。这里的虾米真的很香!! 就在卖鱼场附近而已。我们偷吃了几粒(嘻嘻),真的很脆也。本来想买一包回去,可是没有人在那里,就算了吧


这里的餐厅都集中在 Jalan Besar 那里,有佳香园,记得等等。由于没有事先做功课,几个吃米不知米价的我们还真的对海鲜的市价一无所知。吃完之后才知道吃贵了!! 不过这间“记得”的老板娘人很好,告诉我们吉胆岛上有什么景点。也许新开张的关系吧,对我们特别的热情。不过我在想,怎么在渔村吃海鲜那么贵??

甘香螃蟹 RM78.


这道菜是最好吃的了 T..T 也许之前的期望太大,吃了海鲜有一点点地小失望,特别是那条银鱼 (RM32). 吃了才发现忘了拍照。鱼最失望了,不好吃之余还有腥味。老板娘说不小心煮过头 @.@ 下次真的得注意阿。

这里还真的有点对不起老板娘,虽然说服务很好,但是食物水准还是有点差距。整体上,我们五个人一共花了 RM126。有鱼有虾有螃蟹,这个价钱算是过意的去了。


一群靓女俊男站在制船厂的入口处。 LOL






因为离下一班船还有一些时间,所以我们便继续走向下一个景点~ 情人桥。问题是我们当中完全没有人带情人同行啊!哈哈哈哈


大约四点钟,我们就坐上回程的快艇,刚好就遇上了涨潮。wow,差别好大哟! 根本看不见螃蟹了嘛!哈哈


再见咯!吉胆岛! 祝福你下次可以变得更加美丽!


Specially Thanks to Ping An and Tangent as our tour guide of the day, and Joyce and Pat as my companion for the trip =)))

实在是太怀念当初在珀斯街头悠闲地逛逛的日子。转眼间,就一年了也! 时间也非太快了吧?在那里留学的朋友跟我说,珀斯的生活步伐本来就比较慢,比较轻松。嘻嘻,太快的生活步伐有时候真的会让人觉得随时都会窒息! 这也是为什么我那么喜欢我和妈咪两人的珀斯之旅的原因。有时候,没有计划地在一个陌生的城市那样四处游荡,还蛮不错的。

我坐在珀斯的公共巴士上。这里的公共交通非常地方便。而且班次很频密,巴士很舒适,最重要的,是免费的。yes, free of charge!! 哈哈这几天我们俩就是巴士趴趴走,来一个美丽的自助旅行。
**找到这张照片时,自恋一下,原来我有刘海是酱“清纯”的啊 muahahahaha

在 murray street 搭红色的巴士。巴士一共分成三种颜色,红,黄,蓝。出门前记得查清楚上下车的车站了。

珀斯 Central PArk 车站附近的一些铁丝艺术品。多出国走走的感觉真的不一样! 要趁自己还能走路的时候,多出去看看世界。

在 Hay Street 的 Perth Mint, 好像是以前做钱币的地方。进去兜一圈,还好,没有什么特别,柜台贩卖品居多。

乘搭 ferry 后抵达的 Mends Street Jetty. 后面就是我们坐的 ferry 了。从 Barrack Street Jetty 搭过岸的这里有不少的景点,例如 Old Mill 和 PErth Zoo. 不过因为我们过去的有点迟,动物园关门了。没关系,就在那里晃晃等漂亮的日落。

漂亮的雕像。是在鼓励当地人多阅读吗? 嘻嘻

既然来到了,就走到动物园的门口拍拍照留个纪念。celine 到此一游? haha




公园的一景~ 虽然没有树叶,却有另一种风味的美丽~

最后,等日落的当儿跟 skyscrapers 来个搞怪的合照~ 就这样,第二天再珀斯的下午就悠哉悠闲地渡过啦~ 期待下一次和妈咪的旅行。嘻嘻

槟城的特色咖啡馆最近越来越多,简直就是我们年轻人聚会的好地方啊,可是我一个北海人,这里的特色咖啡馆实在是少到beh tahan。后来听朋友介绍 Jalan Raja Uda Campaq 旁边开的 Gathers Cafe 不错,藉着 vivian 从俄罗斯回来的机会,我便载着 von 和vivian一起去尝试这间少有的松饼咖啡馆。因为是周五晚上的关系,人特别的多,反而不能够真正好好地聊天。不过整体上来说,这件咖啡馆很用心地设计哟,蛮漂亮的说。

Gathers cafe 的天花板,挂着很多漂亮的鸟笼作为点缀品。整个咖啡馆最爱这些鸟笼啦。

透过门口的玻璃门一看乾坤。为什么呢?这间咖啡馆除了著名的松饼和可爱的雪糕之外,还有一大卖点,就是规则多多的咖啡馆。这也是为了提供顾客们一个舒适的环境聚一聚。不过那天我们去的时候还真的很喧哗。 @.@


第一次去的时候点的熊熊 latte ( RM6.00)。 苦苦的,latte 不是我所爱啊。不过熊熊很可爱

Von 点的饮料,蜂蜜什么什么的,真的不记得了,不过还蛮好喝的

vivian的,这个真的完全不记得了。话说回来,gathers cafe 的桌子都偏矮,吃东西喝饮料其实还蛮辛苦的。不过沙发大爱! 很幸运的拿到沙发位子也。不过那天大家都一脸病容,就不发合照了。

我们那天吃的香蕉松饼。RM7 其实我忘了谁点的,哈哈







昨天喝了我最最最爱的Mocha,幸福到...mocha 要价Rm8 


来到gathers cafe怎么可以不尝试他们的招牌雪糕呢?这个小鸟造型很可爱吧~ 
Birdy Style Affogato, RM 9
vanilla ice cream, marshmallow, espresso coffee, lemon water. 

怎样吃这个可爱的小鸟?最重要是要让它 “变态” 哈哈哈哈。把marshmallow 加进去,然后淋上espresso就可以了! 

男朋友吃的黄金鲔鱼松饼 RM7。 满满的tuna味融在口中,实在是太美味啦!!

Gathers Cafe
Location   :   155, Ground Floor, Jalan Raja Uda, Pusat Perniagaan Raja Uda, 12300, Butterworth
Hours       :    Monday to Sunday 1.00pm-11.00pm  ( closed on Wednesday)
Phone      :    04-3249657

I went to Perth last year during my semester break with mummy, and it was an awesome one! it was my first visit to Aussie and I love it so much! Wish to have a chance to visit Australia again. We went there during August, so it was almost late winter. Freezing cold! haha not really, but really cold for me. a tropical girl XD

We booked the day tour package from Valentino Holidays PTY LTD in Perth. we went there for 5 days 4 nights, and both of us had a lot of fun! In the second day, we went for a half day morning tour: Perth and Fremantle Tour. After had our breakfast in Criterion Hotel, we walked across the road and assemble at the Kings Hotel for Australian Pinnacles Tours coach pick up for the half day tour. 
**This is not a private transfer and we needed wait for other passengers, and of course don be late for it. We assemble at there around 7.15am in the morning. Woosa Woosa Hello Perth!

We first took the bus to Barrack Square then board on another bus to the Fremantle. It costed us about $77 each. ($= Australian dollar) The tour took around 4 hours, which we will come back to Barrack Square around 1pm then. After everyone boarded on the bus, we then started our journey of the day!!

The bus drove past Perth Mint, Northbridge ( also called as Chinatown) and Queens Gardens. Unfortunately i cant see any black swans that time >< maybe it was too cold tat time? emo ar. Then we travelled past the famous Swan River, Bell Tower and the Central Business District area. Thanks to the convenient CATS bus service, less traffic jam on the road as the ppl were taking public bus to work. The Perth City was so impressive enuf, much beautiful than stupid Putrajaya ( undeniable, Putrajaya looks like a zombie city than a capital city lol). Nice to enjoy the view on the bus hehe ^^

Here comes our first stop: Kings Park. They got Queens Park and Kings Park in Perth, but we only stopped for one. The Kings Park was greenish in colour, and the trees in the park looked totally different from what we got in Malaysia. I love it so much becoz i always look forward for a trip like tis, some sort of Western trip hehe. Not very sure with the entrance fees becoz everything was included in $77 hehe. 

妈咪与美丽的国王公园。 这棵树...很有风味哈哈. dunno how to describe but it was really beautiful. like tis picture =))

The amazing view of Perth City and Swan River from the observatory platform at King's Park. 

Me with mummy and the Perth City view

View of the Perth City from the Kings Park. 

Smile ^^ i always saw this trees in American movie and i finally saw it with my eyes. Feel like i was in Beverly Hill?? haha tis park was well maintained and I really enjoy the time there. relaxing

Me with the historical State War Memorial Precinct. 

mummy with a special tree in the park. I forgot its name but i remembered that it was a special one. Some sort like water storing function in the trunk.  is it 面包树?Its english name is BOABS which drops all its leaves during dry season. erm, winter=dry season? im not sure about that haha. 

Me with the tree top walk. Picture by mummy. Obviously her shooting skill is 100x better than me. Neh i had no idea about photo shooting skill tat time. 

After about 45 minutes in Kings Park ( totally not enuf time for me! We did not visited to the DNA tower due to time constrain. Said wanna go back there again but we forgot how to go there =..= ) we departed to Fremantle. Here is some information about Fremantle

Fremantle /ˈfrmæntəl/ is a city in Western Australia, located at the mouth of the Swan RiverFremantle Harbour serves as the port of Perth, the state capital. Fremantle was the first area settled by the Swan River colonists in 1829. It was declared a city in 1929, and has a population of approximately 25,000.

The bus driver stopped us at the Fremantle Port a while for photo shooting, but i cant find my photo =..= not really special, just a normal port for me. Or i missed out something interesting?? haha. Then he stopped us at a junction on the road, gave us around 2 hours time for visit. We may chose to go back on our own to Perth by train, taxi or cruise on Swan river. But becoz me n mummy did not do homework for it so we followed the bus back to Perth. Along the road, we shopped for a lot of souvenirs ^^

a church at the junction of the road. typical western style lol haha. 

Then we walked to the Fremantle Prison. haha we did not really plan for it, just follow the road sign hehe. There was 5 tours available, which were Prison Day Tours ( Doing Time Tour or Great Escape Tour), Tunnel Tour and Torchlight Tour. visit HERE for more information. Due to time constrain we did not really pay for the visit, as the shortest Doing Time Tour took up to 1 hour 15 minutes. We just hang around at the entrance area for some photos =)) 

The outlook of the entrance of the prison. It was empty now and became a tourist hot spot for CERTAIN REASON. erm, better don discuss it now, scary haha

This is not Conjuring, this is my mom from outside when i was in the prison room haha. We left there after around 30 minutes visit to our next target place.

here we were! the Fremantle weekend market. Too bad we were not going there during weekend. no shopping..... >< huhuhuhu

On the way back to Perth. Beautiful Ocean and road side view =)) If you planned to stay and go back on your own, don forget to try out their fish and chip! Fremantle is so famous with fish and chip. T..T too bad i don have the chance to try it out. huhu

We reached Barrack Square around 1pm, then we took the blue CAT bus to William Street for lunch. 

hang around at the street in Perth. haha 
my outfit:
t-shirt : PDI
dress : Nichi
Boots : VKI ( at RM50! so cheap!). 
Im a budget girl lol haha

In the evening, we took the ferry to Mends Street Jetty for a walk. Do remember to check for their ferry schedule =)) Enjoy the view of Swan River!! haha

Night time, we went to Northbridge for dinner, And we had the chinese cuisine hehe. The tauke very nice, maybe becoz we were chinese too? and their food tasted nice! 
me with the chinese food. I love that brocolli with taufu so much haha. 

Night walk in Perth. The road was so quiet although it was just around 9pm that time. Different from Malaysia haha. Not so sure maybe becoz we were not walking to the club area? haha

Finally, me with the leaf on the street back from Northbridge to Hay Street~ 

Good night world =)) haha blogging in the midnight is not a good activity at all, lol haha 

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