high skul life, the most unforgetable memory in my heart forever...
v have a forum toghether, and a very lapsap blogspot who writ a lot of negative gossip inside. v r crazy for blogspot before facebook, it was fun to spam in the soctison forum and view others blog and gave a lot of rubbish comments > <
Today, v reunited again, in shuyin funeral. talked about our past. I really appreciate tat i met u all during my high skul life. Monkeys, u all made my life wonderful. and now v have a closed group in facebook, so v wil stay united.
time pass so fast, v already graduated for 2 years. yet, v haven go to take our spm result @_@ Well, my english stil very poor ( i cant stand to type in chinese after chinese star gulung tikar), everyone stil look the same, physically and mentally.
juz go back to view a few blogs and scotison forum.
I remember our time when v r young, childish, and a big headache for teacher. but every of tis is one part of our life, which make our life meaningful.虽然相处的时间只有短短的5年,但我们已经在北海钟灵的每一个角落, 留下了最深刻的脚印. 想起我们的捣蛋,无聊,那也是一种生活大象征. 我有朋友曾经说,中学生活对他而言是毫无意义的. 我觉得他很悲哀, 因为中学生活应该是人生中最精彩,最有意义的一页.
中学生活让你能够想起,以前的你曾经在这里生活过, 奋斗过,颓废过. 至少以后, 你可以很高兴自豪地和你的同学甚至孩子们讲述你中学的种种一切. 中学很短, 但很回味.工作社会的时间很长,但你觉得在你奸我诈的面具下,你回过得开心吗? 看回去中学那个曾经让我觉得很废的班网, 让我想起,我在中学里的点滴.
中学的我很大胆, 逃课,逃学, 不交功课,顶撞老师,总之能够犯规的事情,只要不要太严重我都试过. 这应该是叛逆期吧? 热血方刚的我们从来不去考虑后果, 自己开心就好. 现在的我们都成长了,动作也拘束了, 不能再像以前那么任性刁蛮. 可是我还是很喜欢以前的回忆.不矫揉造作, 直率.
时光已经无法倒留了, 我们现在唯一能做的,就是放下过去, 放眼未来.
考试已经近在咫尺, 是时候好好准备军粮全力备战了.感情的事情,搁着先吧...已经不在是那个傻乎乎的少女了,要好好地为自己的前途规划, 迎接更美好的彩虹.
书莹,很多朋友都赶回来看你最后一面了,虽然还是心痛,但你的精神永远都会在我们心中. 书莹,你安息吧~我们会坚强的...
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