看到标题也许会笑了一下,不过这是真的。墨尔本城市虽然有冬天,但是不会下雪。而我们要观赏雪景,就要到墨尔本的 cross country 的雪山去。当中有几个雪山都很著名,例如:
  • Lake Mountain - 最靠近墨尔本市区,大约2个钟头半就可以抵达了,如果不想驱车上去,也有很多旅行社有提供旅游配套。适合一家大小前往。不过降雪量没有其他的滑雪场来得高,所以想滑雪的朋友可能会有些小失望
  • Mt Buller- 大约需要4个小时前往,也有旅行社提供一日游行程。适合各级的初学者和滑雪者前往.
  • Falls creek- 这里可以自驾雪地摩托车哟,而且是维多利亚州最大的高山度假胜地
  • Mt Hotham 
  • Mt Baw Baw 
接下来3个都是比较适合滑雪者,如果想前往的话会比较建议到哪里去留宿,因为一趟行程都差不多要4 个小时了(mt baw baw 是2小时半),而且比较少旅行社会提供一日游。经过多番思量,加上给学滑雪的价钱吓倒,我们决定去玩雪和玩雪撬就好啦~ 3个小时让我们玩个够。我们拿了 wildlife tour 的 1 day mystic mountain snow tour, 价钱是AUD 109, 不包括租借雪服和雪靴。

这是我第二次接触到雪,是真正的自然雪;可这也是第一次我在雪地里打雪仗,玩雪撬。看到我手上的雪球和我的表情了吗?我想不用我多说,你也知道下一秒发生什么事情了吧 muahaha

我们大约8时正从YHA melbourne central pick up point 出发,接待我们的是可爱的 vanessa. 她的驾车技术很好, 原本以为上山我会完蛋的,结果一路上都很享受呢!一路上,导游和我们解释路边的风景,也停下来让我们拍拍照。我们很幸运,去的前一个晚上下雪了,雪积大约有10cm, 所以可以尽情地玩啦

我们的第一个站点~ 山里美丽的湖


一路上看到的参天大树就是 eucalyptus 树,也称 mountain ash。 那天,天气比较湿,所以一路上都有很多雾,很漂迷的感觉,也符合了我们团的名字~ mystic mountain tour 啊

这片美丽的树林曾经在1年前,被吞噬在熊熊大火中。澳洲的地区气候偏干,在夏季的时候就很容易引发从火,而且通常都是一发不可收拾。那时候,marysville 小镇也不幸毁于大火中,虽然灾难之后的重建工作成功,但是也回不去以往光辉的时光了。这一大片的树林生命很强,虽然被烧毁了,可是已经长出叶子来了。要不是树干上的烧焦痕迹,还真的看不出这里曾经有过一场无情的大火。





我们先到柜台去租借雪服和雪靴,那里的工作人员都非常亲切而且超有耐心,虽然我们在试鞋子的时候换了很多次尺码可是都没有不耐烦。因为我们的巴士停在远处,而我们没带背包也现场也没有 locker 的服务,工作人员就指示我们把鞋子放在角落的隐秘处。穿上雪服和雪靴后,我们就去租借雪撬。因为要省花费,我们6个人只租借了3个雪撬而已。


我们在滑雪场的时候,刚好遇上了冰雹。工作人员说我们不幸运咯。难得来到了,那里可以让冰雹影响我们的兴致?管他,我们照玩就是了。不过也很庆幸当天的冰雹并不会太大颗,小小粒的,打在衣服上就好象下雨那样弄湿了衣服。不过打在脸上的时候.....痛啊!我还因为被冰雹打伤了眼睛,红了2天 =..= 

滑了下来,我们就把雪撬pass 给同伴让他们拉上去玩。为了省时间,要玩雪撬的人就在雪场底部等我们的当儿也帮我们拍照。白皑皑的雪看起来很好玩,其实雪的下面都是烂泥啊 omg

玩了大约两三轮的雪橇,有点累了。怎么累?拉雪橇上去其实还蛮吃力的啊,还要躲避人群。然后,我们就决定上去打雪仗。在滑雪场的附近,有一个堆积出来的小雪山,我想就是专门给游客打雪仗的。不过要小心这里有一个喷雪的机器,给它打到的话,比被冰雹打更痛! 这里温馨提醒:租借雪撬的时候我们要给信用卡或者是驾证作为抵押,所以千万要顾好自己的雪橇不要弄不见了。




1,2,3 攻击啊!! 雪花纷飞的照片就那么刚好被我拍下了嘻嘻


在雪地中看到一个超 Q 的雪人!细心的主人还戴上了围巾,萝卜等作为装饰品呢!看来现场中最吸睛的雪人就是它了。


放眼过去,大家都在堆雪人呢!这里真是一个适合亲子活动的地方。如果你是携带孩子前往的话,就别错过了这个欢乐的地方! 当然也要做好保暖功夫哟




padded jacket, pants, snow boots and toboggan : AUD 44
PVC pants, snow boots and toboggan : AUD 33

Padded Jacket $20.50 Padded Pants $20.50 Padded Jacket & Pants $31.00
Pvc Jacket $15.50 Pvc Pants $15.50 Pvc Jacket & Pants $26.00
Child Snowsuit $20.50 Snow Boots Adult $20.50 Snow Boots Child $15.50
Toboggan $12.50
Skis/ Boots/ Poles/ 90 Min Lesson Adult $73.00
Skis/ Boots/ Poles/ 90 Min Lesson Child $62.00

我们归还了滑雪用具之后,便走到对面的树林去拍照。听说这里有一个很漂亮的lookout point, 不过因为我们贪玩,时间不够用了所以并没有去。我们其中一个朋友独闯了进去,听她说,里面的积雪很漂亮。好象有一点后悔花太多时间在玩雪撬了

离开 lake mountain 之前再一起玩吧!

离开了lake mountain 后,我们本来是要前往 Marysville 里著名的瀑布 Steavenson Falls, 据说落差有122米高。可惜那天的时候,一去到就下个倾盆大雨。没办法,因为团队里很多都是家庭游带着小孩子,所以导游只能让我们上车前往下一个目的地。结果,我另一个最期待的景点没了! 我的瀑布啊,来到澳洲完全没看到瀑布

当天的最后一个行程,就是去我们曾经去过的 Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and ice cream. 这一次,我们的目标不在于购买巧克力,而是 chocolate fundue. 

chocolate fondue for 4 pax, AUD $28. 
上桌的时候,我们女生尖叫狂拍照。太美了啦!因为 这已经是我们最后的付费行程,就奢侈一下慰劳自己咯

浓郁的 belgium chocolate 盛在中间的碗中,吃下去一口真的让人觉得超幸福而且不会太甜腻。

而且材料很丰富哟,有水果例如苹果,蜜瓜,草莓(而且是甜的草莓),还有有饼干,marshmallow 和 candy 等。沾上了吃下去....我无法形容到底有多好吃。最后整盘给我们扫完,当然,我们也不放过碗里的巧克力



这是当天接送我们的车子。和上一次同样是 wildlife 的车子比起来,比较宽敞,也比较舒服

最后,我们就在亚拉河谷的夕阳照耀下回到墨尔本市区结束我们一天的行程啦。我和deba 两人也赶到火车站,准备乘坐火车前往下一个城市嘻嘻


first of all, I create a page for my blog so I can update my blog post more frequently, and please like and support it my dear frens =)) ur support gives me great courage to continue my writing. 

After we visited the amazing twelve apostles, gibson steps, Lord Ard George, we continue our journey with Wildlife Tour Australia to Otway's rainforest to experience how the bushwalk feel like in Australia. At first, I misinterpret the meaning of bush walk. In Malaysia, when we said bush walk, we meant: walking in the bushes. but in Australia, bush walk is something like jungle trekking. Okay I just want to say I missed out some nice bushwalking tour in Melbourne that I should have done it!! 

We had a guided tour to Otway's Rainforest, this is a rare, ancient and cool temperature forest. We felt so dwarfed in the middle of trees. The nature of the forest is different from tropical rainforest. How to describe it? to me the rainforest here is more spooky and cold, while the rainforest in Malaysia is hot, damp, and easily get lost. 

A hole in the big tree trunk that can fit 4 of us! isnt it amazing?? our tour guide~ Jason describe it as 'the lord of the ring' haha.

what tree is this?
this is the Mountain Ash ( Eucalyptus regnans), which is the second tallest growing tree in the world, can grow up to 99m tall, the tallest tree is in Tasmania at 99.6m. erm, about 62 times of my height? I need to kneel down completely to take this picture, this is just too stunning
FYI, koala is eating leaves from Eucalyptus species too, but not this tree, there is hundreds species of eucalyptus tree in Australia and Koala only eats about 30 species of them. 

Deba with the tree trunk. 
okay even the tree trunk is bigger than her. 

the trunk is so big and it needs up to 5 adults to hug it. such a huge giant

but sometimes when u grow too high, you get strike easily by thunder too and you are doomed too. 
well, if you know wat I mean haha

some algae and fungi. 

there is a lot of ferns in this forest, and it is very refreshing to have a bush walking here becoz of the cool chilling air and the beautiful scenery, not forgetting the environment. I love this more than a hot humid forest LOL. 

ps: for a road trip, plz spend more time here to look for the waterfall and otway fly free top adventure. I know these only when I came back from GOR. 
after bush walking session in the forest, we then move to Apollo Bay to see this cute seaside view, and Jason, the tour guide get us food for the BBQ party tonight. YES!!

there is a observation deck just next to the toilet and tourist information counter so don miss it out. 

the beautiful beach in Apollo Bay. 

trust me I can just sit and enjoy the wave for whole day. 
really wish to play in the water if the weather is not that cold. 

feel so good when there is warm sunshine it was so cloudy day when we were at Twelve Apostles. 
while Im taking photos at the beaches, my frens went to the shop nearby to get themselves new pairs of boots as they wet theirs during the play with the waves. So they just missed out a lot over here. 

spectacular scenery from Cape Patton Great Ocean Road.
Again, I really encourage road trip to here so you can have more time to spend at different lookout point along this beautiful coastal line. We just stopped by one for 10 minutes and that is all becoz Jason needed to rush us to the next destination before the dark. 
Teddy's lookout point is not in our itinerary so we just don have the chance to view the Great Ocean Road Coastline
don forget the pole house too which looks like a glass house that is floating in the air

just enjoy the roar of the ocean
I will be back again Great Ocean Road. I don have enough of it

well this is quite dangerous coz if i slipped I will just fall into the ocean and certified haha.
just joking, just take extra care to take picture. 

During the journey, the road is extremely winding and since the van drove at quite a high speed, I really felt like I was riding roller coaster and don feel comfortable with it. Nauseated in fact. The journey took us 2 hours of 'roller coaster ride', I forced myself to sleep but I failed. But luckily I did not throw out. Be honest, this road is worse than journey up to Hmong Village in Chiang Mai when you drive it fast. 

our next stop is Kennett River
I was surprised that this place is actually something like a resort. Okay I don really do my homework before hand, so I tot I will see a river, bushes and tall trees and spot Koala there. My first impression is, is this possible for us to spot Koala in these Eucalyptus trees when it is so near to human? 
the answer is YES, and we spotted 3. according to Jason, we can spot more during summer time becoz during winter, Koala will go deeper and higher. 

we were welcomed by ducks on the road. We tried to feed lorikeet and parrots, but these ducks were so fierce and hungry so they ate all up. 

now, time to spot some Koala

Jason got a very good eye sight as he could spot it in just few minutes! here you are, the grumpy fur ball sleeping on the tree. OMG it is so cute and I could not believe that I could be so near to it in the wild! the second cutest animal in my rank

and we spotted the second one sleeping on the tree as well. FYI, koala sleep almost 18-22 hours a day. and Koala is not a bear. well this is funny becoz during our way to Kennett River, Jason played us the song " please don call me a koala bear, as im not a bear at all".
Why Koala need to sleep all the time? will let you know in my next post of the Maru Wildlife Park hehe

okay, back to feeding again after syok enuf with the sleeping Koala
oh wait, one of it woke up and climbed but I just forgot to shoot it haha

this is how the park in the Kennett River looks like. 
quite surprise that we can meet Koala over here isnt it

before the sunset, we reached the entrance of the Great Ocean Road, which is a landmark that should not ever be missed out。this is the bus that we were riding for the journey. err... not really comfortable. 

with the entrance of Great Ocean Road~
appreciate the hard work from the soldiers who built this gorgeous scenic road
then we walked to beach again. Ya we had endless count of beach that day throughout the journey

the sunset is too beautiful so we hug together
just joking, for picture effect only la. The truth is, it was so cold during the winter especially when there is no sun

leave our footprint here~ UPM 15th batch
okay I know this sounds so funny

After a tiring day, we checked in into Bells Beach Backpacker and all of us stayed in the dorm. There is heater in the room so it was quite warm. Love their blanket especially! the dorm is double decker bed, we need to change the pillow sheet, bed sheet and the blanket sheet during our checkout the next day. Well at least we know that they are clean. The room is very spacious and the toilet is just next to us. But we need to walk into the main building for shower. 

our beds. Im the lucky one as I slept just next to the heater haha
they provide extension wires with multiple plugs too, this is something I need to praise becoz they really take good care of their customers. 
well this is my 3rd time to sleep in the backpacker hostel, honestly I love it, cheap and comfortable. But some of them don, perhaps they just want to get more privacy. Just a kind reminder, plz do not expect service from a 5 star hotel in the backpacker hostel. Here, we need to do everything on our own. 
Oh yeah, if you want more privacy, you can upgrade the room via the agency to double room, with extra charge of course. 

the common room. they have television, but I don have the luck to enjoy it becoz the guys were watching football games. so I just squeeze myself on the sofa, using their wifi internet and made calls back to Malaysia. 
Initially, I plan to sit outdoor and have some starry night scene. But, it was a cloudy day whole day and basically I see nothing. Very disappointed arrrrr. 
but, lucky me, we met a wild possum on the tree in the hostel when we walked out. it is sooo cute! looks like a giant rat haha. It disappeared in the dark very quickly lo so I cant take picture. 

the dining area, kitchen and refrigerator. 
we can eat, cook, socialize and store our food here. But for the fridge, everything need to be put in a basket or proper container and label. In backpacker hostel, there is no one to serve us so we need to wash our plates on our own. Be independent, be yourself!! 
some people might think that backpacker hostel is awful, but to me it is a brand new experience. 

and here it is, our dinner!! we have the choice of having a pizza dinner or Aussie BBQ night and Im glad that we had the bbq becoz everything was so awesome!
we got pork, chicken and beef, with patty and sausage both. We had chicken wings and drumstick too, and something special is the kangaroo patty!! This is the first time I ate Kangaroo meat.... erm felt sorry for the kangaroo at first but it really taste good. What I understand is the source of kangaroo meat is from the farm not the wild. Jason did all the cooking for us so what we did was just sit and wait Xp no lar, help to arrange the plates and prepare for dinner. 

And we got fresh salad too
I just found out Aussie don like sauce as there is no sauce at all in the salad and we just add lots of mayonnaise in our own plate. erm, i assume this is becoz of they wanna stay healthy? 

here is my dinner!! chicken patty, beef steak, some salad, pork sausage and some kangaroo meat. one of the best dinner that I ever had muahaha. so this compensate my bad feeling towards the food during my lunch Xp 

the next morning, we checked out the backpacker hostel around 8am and continue our journey to Philip Island. wildlife tour provided us the breakfast with sausages, bread, jam, milk, juices and cereals. sounds like there is a lot of variety and should be delicious, but not to me as usually i have noodle for breakfast. Kinda heavy I know. 
in overall, Im quite satisfied with the stay and I would like to recommend to those who want to have a stay along Great Ocean Road. 

so this is the end of the great ocean road tour, the next will be tour to Philip Island. I will definitely come back for a road trip next time!! wait for me.