在plan 着 batch trip 时, 最大的烦恼就是住宿了。因为时间紧凑,一时间也没什么中意的公寓或者屋子,最重要的是,我们的预算有限,而且有很多人。经过多番寻找后,精明能干的pat 终于解决了住宿问题,而且大家都很喜欢这间公寓呢! 整洁,明亮,宽敞,方便。

公寓坐落在 Brinchang 的 Crown Imperial Court, 每逢星期六在公寓前面的油站开始就有著名的周六夜市。哈哈,就只离开我们大约10分钟的步行路程而已。 而且我们超幸运地可以拿到两间就在隔壁的单位,串门子起来muahaha, 玩翻天。


我们以Rm900 的价钱租下了两间隔邻的公寓一晚,加上4个停车位。除下来一个人一晚也只是RM30+ 而已,是不是很划算? 我们一行人共20+ 个人。


公寓里的厨房。最让我们高兴的是里面有冰箱! 还有热水壶,简单的锅,和一些餐具。我们就在家里准备隔天的早餐:茶叶蛋


饭厅~ 开饭咯~ 在隔壁哈哈

卧室一:有独立的厕所,一张单人床,和一张双人床,虽然说是 queen size, 但是对我们而言就好像king size bed 那样,不知道是不是因为宿舍床太小张的关系呢?




最重要的就是热水器! 在这个寒冷的高原早晨,热水是绝对的必备品

然后我们就到隔壁单位开动晚餐,对,在冷风中的高原吃火锅是人生中绝对最美妙的事情了。我们是自己准备火锅的哦,大家都很合作地准备材料嘻嘻~ 这就是batch trip 中的乐趣


隔天早上6点半就起身了,本来想看看日出的,不过....方向不对,加上是阴天,结果什么都看不到。不过早上的空气很清新呢! 沙登那时候被烟霾侵袭,趁这个机会好好洗洗肺。


*公寓的check out 时间是每日中午12时正。


终于,是我们万众期待的batch trip 旅行啦~ 什么是batch trip, 就是我们博特拉大学第16届医学系的华裔学生的一次大旅行。全系有大约50个华人,可是只有30个人参与这次的旅行活动。没错,30个人,超大型的。这也是我第一次参与大型的同学旅行,兴奋到极点哈哈。期待下一次的batch trip。 在这里要谢谢所有的朋友们共同制造的美好回忆,特别是主办的几位朋友,辛苦啦~ 超级感激无限。 

因为时间关系,去的景点也不是很多。上了山过后,别人去cactus point, 我们因为太慢了所以只好去参观薰衣草园。我上次来金马伦的时候,应该已经是中学以前的事情了,金马伦变化还蛮大的,少了当初那个真正大自然的感觉。

废话不多, 一起进入薰衣草园吧~ 

薰衣草园外景,从simpang pulai 上山后看到的第一个景点,就在路边而已。 

金马伦薰衣草入门票:RM5 (大人); RM3 (小孩)

一踏进薰衣草园进入眼帘的,就是一大片的花。紫色,红色,黄色的混在一起,美极了~ 可是没办法走进花丛之间拍照啊~ 想象在花丛间拍照的话,应该会有另一番的韵味吧。 

我和可爱的小木屋~ 除了家庭以外,知己是最重要的了~ 
朋友可以有很多,可是知己却很难拥有, 且珍且惜



从照片中可以看得出,我的相机又曝光了。canon ixus 啊你可不可以不要只爱大海蓝天? 也挨一下大自然的绿和美丽的花丛吧

一整大片的紫色牵牛花爬满了山坡,实在是太漂亮了。相机太不给力了,哭 TT....TT



我和大南瓜,可惜我不是灰姑娘,朋友说我太强悍了,我比较像王子 =..= 



白粉色的非洲菊~ 大爱啊!这里的非洲菊各种颜色的都有,到处都是一股芬芳呢!


火橙色和黄色的非洲菊。 你好啊 ^^ 


答应自己,毕业那年,一定要去探访梦幻的新天鹅城堡~ 嘻嘻

可爱的紫色娃娃~ 琹如果来这里的话一定会爱死这里的

再来一张漂亮的红色和紫色花毯。 虽然称不上壮丽,可是也算值回票价了



monday to thursday : 9am-6pm
Friday to Sunday    :  9am-7pm
phone                     :  +605-4961 208
Tringkap, Cameron Highland, 39100 Pahang, Malaysia 

Labuan, one of the Wilayah Persekutuan in East Malaysia, a very small island with a small town. We finished our island round trip in 4 hours, just imagine how small it was. Before we went there, we understood that not much thing for visit in Labuan so we don put any high expectation on it. Still, it is a fun trip together with my besties. So what can we do in Labuan?

Usually people will include Labuan for a 2 days trip or one day trip in their trip to Kota Kinabalu or Sabah. There is a ferry service from Labuan to Jesselton, Sabah daily twice, in the early morning and evening. A bit pricey to us so we cancelled our plan to go Kota Kinabalu for a day trip haha. The best way to visit Labuan is by self-drive. Don expect on the public transportation because it is not as good as the developed city such as KL and Penang. Car rental for viva perodua is at the price range of RM80 daily ( petrol fees not included). 

So, lets see what are the 8 things that I feel interesting to be done in Labuan. Not by ranking, I just put it randomly. And these are just some of my humble opinion. 

1. Visit to the town and Labuan Museum
Labuan Museum is in the town, so how can we miss out the town visit when we come to a new place? Although it is small, but Labuan Museum is quite a nice place to visit if you wish to know more about the history of this small place. And it is Free Of Charge for admission!! 
The outlook of the small museum. 

Some display of the chinese antiques from the shipwreck in Labuan sea area. 

2. Visit to Labuan Marine Museum at Labuan International Sea Sports Complex
Not far away from the town, it is a nice place to have some family activities over this place. Free of admission.
To me, this place look quite deserted, I guess it is due to lack of maintenance fees. Of coz it cant be compared with the KLCC aquaria and Langkawi Underwater World ( which their admission fees are so pricey while Labuan Marine is FOC). Just come here to have a look on various marine creatures.

The outlook of the complex which house the Labuan Marine Museum. 

Don miss out the 42 feet long skeleton of a Indian Fin Whale on the second floor exhibition room in Labuan Marine Museum. 

they have a beach by the side but it was really polluted. Nice place to take some photos. 

3. The mysterious Chimney and chimney museum
The landmark of Labuan, the Chimney which its function and purpose still a mystery from the past until now. Why should we visit it? just to fill up our curiosity haha. 

group photo together in front of the Chimney and the chimney museum. 

The look of the chimney~ 

4. Have a nice beach walk
Beach walk is another thing should not be missed out if visit to Labuan. Unfortunately, to me most of the beach in Labuan was not as impressive as the others, not really sandy but still satisfactory condition. Layang -layang beach is one of the famous beach recommended from the internet for a beautiful sunset. We went to Palm Beach Resort for a jubilant beach walk~ We did not stay there, just walk around there as a visitor. 

The swimming pool of the Palm Beach Resort. But I guess only for their customers. 

Love this picture so much. Purple is the colour of romantic don u agree with me? this combination is just too amazing for me. 

5. A fabulous seafood meal
Although it was a budget trip, still we pamper ourselves with a nice meal with seafood. FYI, the seafood in Labuan is considered cheaper compared to KL and the main city in Peninsula Malaysia. We had a great meal there with mussels, fish and crabs at the price of RM103 with 5 people serving. The restaurant we went was Mawilla Yacht Club Restaurant. Initially we wish to have a romantic sunset dinner but we were too late for it. Still it was a nice experience to dine with frens, with awesome seafood and the sea breeze. 

The outlook of the restaurant. 

another best thing to dine over here is we can pick the seafood that we want on our own! haha nice experience especially to those people who seldom go to morning market like us. 

6. Visit to Labuan War Cemetery
This is a beautiful cemetery garden to those personnels who sacrifice their life during World War 2. It is also a place where we can pay our respect to those warriors who help to protect our country during the war. 

The look of the cemetery. Nice, Tidy, green and peace. 

The holy cross in the centre of the cemetery garden.

7. Clubbing
One of our original plan to go Labuan is to experience the clubbing life there. But since our fren told us that most of the club houses were ILLEGAL, we don dare to risk ourselves there and hence we just decided to buy some chocolates and alcohol beverage back to the house..... and brought the club back to the house! Still, we had lots of fun together haha. We dance, sing, eat, drink in the house, and we felt more secure with it 
I drank half of bottle of that sparkling juice, LOL. 

8. Tax Free Shopping
This is a MUST MUST MUST thing to do in Labuan. Because everything is tax free here, everything is almost half of the price out of the island. The everything I meant is alcohol and chocolate. we had a crazy shopping time in Labuan. 

One of the recommended shopping point for chocolates and alcohol~ one stop duty free at victoria point. Because they have the cheapest rate and a great varieties in the town. Just near to the Labuan international jetty. 

Have a peek in the shop. They have vodka, tequilla, beer, wine, anything that you can name it. We bought a Australian Wine at the rate of RM20. cheap right?? haha

So here is the end of my Labuan Trip, just a humble opinion on what should we do when we visit to Labuan. Stay tune for more on my Cameron Batch trip!! 

Finally, here comes the last point of attraction in my blog list "point of attraction in Labuan, the finale of this trip will be "top things to do in Labuan" haha. Still got 30 minutes before departure to Cameron ( yeah don feel jealous IM out again) so i decided to write a blog LOL

Here is it, Labuan War Cemetery during our last day in Labuan. Planned to visit on the second day but the weather did not look good so we just postponed it to the third day morning, since we got nothing to do haha. Just few minutes drive from the town city, we reached Labuan War Cemetery while enjoying the sea view along the journey. The day looked good ya hehe. 

The entrance of the Labuan War Cemetery. it is a Commonwealth World War 2 graveyard in Labuan, many of the personnel buried under this land were from Australia and India. This is a place where we can pay our respect to the people who sacrifice their life during WW2. 

The cemetery #1 

There is a small building there which I was quite unsure with its function. 
Personally like the simple design of this cemetery, look tidy, greenish and peaceful. 

The holy cross~ 

one of the cemetery. Some of them had their name on it, for those "unnamed" they will entitle them as "KNOWN UNTO GOD". 

The cemetery #2

the bench

This cemetery is free of charge of admission. open to public