来到了清迈古城,怎么能错过了最大,历史最悠久,最著名,最重要的帕辛寺? 在清迈古城里,最适合来一个悠闲的旅行了。帕辛寺是清迈古城里的地标,由孟莱王初建于1345年,用于供奉其父亲的骨灰。帕辛寺是纳兰式的建筑风格,里头也有许多精美的壁画,非常值得前来参观。此外,在帕辛寺对面的大街每逢周日就是著名的“周日步行街”了,千万不要错过。 

素可泰王朝时期,泰国北部建立了强大的兰那(LANNA)王国,长达600年,而帕辛寺则是最具代表性的兰纳王朝寺庙建筑,神殿有北泰国最具风格的佛芮信(Phra Sihing)佛像,传说来自斯里兰卡,但仔细端详其面容却带著浓浓泰北风味,寺裡的壁画也是泰国北部传统艺术的代表,整座寺庙刻划出兰纳王朝的独立历史。根据泰人的传说,释迦牟尼的足迹甚至曾经踏过此处。 

From wikipedia  



进入大殿内参观,需要付上20 baht 的参观费,sarung 是免费租借的。不得不说sarung 还真的很漂亮呢! 一进入大殿,到处都可以看到虔诚的当地人或是游客们,散漫者庄严的气氛


看到旁边的僧侣蜡像吗?一开始还真的被吓倒了,以为是真的。因为如果是僧侣真身的话大殿内是不允许拍照的 (上次参观曼谷时泰国朋友告诉我的)。只能说这个蜡像实在是太逼真的。





*可是小朋友们,你们要找外国人讲英文,为什么不找我们啊? >..<





在清迈的第三天 (比赛第二天),大会安排我们跟着报名时选择的路线去参观清迈不同的景点。我们两队人马选择了第二条路线,主要是参观苗族村寨和素贴山双龙寺。很感激比赛大会安排的旅程,让我们尽兴而归! 
so here is the 2nd day of the competition and we were having a visit to Chiang Mai! my group chose for route 2 to visit Doi Suthep and Hmong Village. Special thanks to CMU-IMC for the great time! 

早上八时整,大会就安排我们乘坐“双条车”上山。我们这个路线大约有60几人参加,你可以想象出发时,我们有多么地浩浩荡荡了(一辆双条大约9个人)。在市区时很兴奋,可是上山的时候就是噩梦的开始了! 晕车啊,超级无敌地晕。我终于明白为什么大会赛前一直嘱咐我们要带上晕车药了。上山的路很崎岖,幸好早上早餐不敢吃太多,要不然我就吐出来了(其实差不多要吐了)。我们可爱的领队们很体贴地带上了袋子,ammonia,糖果等晕车宝物(可其实他们也晕得很,谢谢了^^) 
真的奉劝容易晕车的朋友们,租一辆舒适的保姆车上山吧!40分钟的山路可不是开玩笑的。 苗族村寨真的是一个不应该错过的地方。
We departed from Flora Hotel about 8am with "song taew" by CMU-IMC. there was around 9 of us per car, and in total I guess there was more than 60 of us went for route 2. We were so excited at first then realised it was a nightmare when the road was so winding. Motion sickness attack! don ever underestimate it! our lovely GM prepared ammonia and sweet for us, but they were having motion sickness at the same time too in fact. Thank you so much 
Here I suggest to get a comfortable car or van to get up to the Hmong village becoz it is some place that we should not miss out. 

红彤彤的荔枝~ 一公斤才90baht!! 新鲜采下来的,现在后悔死了当初嫌麻烦没买下。
These lychee sold at price of 90 baht per kg with freshly plucked! now I regret to the max for not buying it.

招牌~ 我不会看 =..=
i cant read the signboard 

there is a lot of souvenirs along the road~ arent they cute? 

很漂亮的苗族裙子! 比以前我跳舞时穿的美多了,而且不贵(但是我忘记价钱了)
beautiful miao skirt but I forgot the actual price haha. I wore it for dancing b4 but it was not as beautiful as this.

visited the hmong hilltribe museum to know more about their culture and living style. 

just a simple museum with their living tools. 

we were so surprise with the scene that we had after we came out from the museum, it was too awesome. 

然后我们的领队就把我们喊到一个角落去,什么事?穿上传统衣服!! 而且是免费的 (平时收费 50 baht). 大家都乐疯了!60几个人套上传统衣服和头饰满山跑

和我漂亮的女人们合影~ 左起是我,清,pat, 然后是两位新认识的泰国朋友 pu 和mai, 她们超亲切热情的,不过3天的时间而已我们就混得很熟了。现在超想念她们的 ><
我们身上的苗族衣服是不是很漂亮? 而且我大爱他们的头饰啊

当然要抓紧时间和同组的韩国帅哥 choi 合照拉

漂亮的 pu~ 清迈的女生皮肤针的很白嫩,羡慕啊~

村寨里可爱的小孩们,和游客合影赚取外快。说实话,这里的小孩小小就被当成赚钱工具真的很不应该,不过这里生活贫困,加上我们是凭着自己的能力给外快就无所谓啦~ 让大家双赢嘛


来自马来西亚,从山地里跑出来的5位“壮汉”。看到他们时我们笑疯了(同学来的),因为传统服饰胸前有很多挂饰,他们就一直甩胸 =..= 无言啊!!


和同组的泰国美女 Kanan~ 在不同的国家念着同一个科系,在一个比赛相遇的感觉很奇妙!


下面就是美丽的风景照了~ 其实好像还有很多地方我们没参观到的,时间太短啦 >< ( 明明就是拍照拍到忘了时间的)


再接再厉往上爬,爬得愈高,纯朴风景越让人着迷~ 晕车是值得的!

还有用花朵装饰成的 LOVE 哟~ 
我的相机根本无法将完整的美景拍下,用词也无法形容这里的美,亲自来一趟来感受一下这里美妙的气氛吧! 舟车劳顿是绝对值得的


stay tuned for more updates about my journey in Chiang Mai with CMU-IMC! now i have to get my study mood back for my final exam ><
You should know how I love cafe if you read my blog posts before! Extending my hobby to overseas, I had my cafe hopping to Chiang Mai Nimman Road,which is a hot spot for cafes too. Near to Chiang Mai University, Nimman Road has lots of cafes along the street, and 7-11 too haha. I asked my fren Noon and Je to recommend me some interesting cafe and they recommended this Dolcetto 'cafe to me. After some simple homework done, I drag 3 of my frens Pat, Cheng and Boss along with me to Dolcetto 'cafe during our break time before we went to Sunday walking street in Chiang Mai. 

Dolcetto [dolˈtʃetto] is a black Italian wine grape variety widely grown in the Piedmont region of northwest Italy. The Italian worddolcetto means "little sweet one", but it is not certain that the name originally carried any reference to the grape’s sugar levels: it is possible that it derives from the name of the hills where the vine is cultivated. In any case the wines produced are nearly always dry. They can be tannic and fruity with moderate, or decidedly low, levels of acidity and are typically meant to be consumed one to two years after release
from wikipedia

just around 15 minutes walk from Flora House, we spotted this cozy cafe at the roadside, opposite a 7-11 shop. It has the outdoor seat and indoor ( with air-con), and of coz we get ourselves into the indoor for air-con in this hot day haha. I love the clear glass side and the decoration of this cafe so much! thank you so much to Noon and Je for the recommendation haha. we had a relaxing and enjoyable moment here for a evening coffee. 
the outlook of the cafe~ 

never miss out this cake if you visit to Dolcetto 'cafe! Look simple and nothing much? haha wrong, just wait for its transformation

Deng Deng Deng!! this is how it looks like after "transformation" with cream and chocolate! it looks amazing and attractive from appearance, pity my frens had to hold their appetite and desire to have a bite before I took photos of this cute cake. 

the axial view of the cake. I was attracted to this cake when I was "google-ing" about this cafe and I know I must had it before I went back to Malaysia because it is so special! 
not sure about its name and price because I just show the pic from internet to the owner of the cafe 

it consists of 3 layers, the first layer is cream, second layer is banana and third is crunchy cookies. yummy! saliva is drooling again. 

this is wat happen when we don really know how to eat a complicated cake haah. 

And I ordered their famous "flat white" coffee. it is not expensive though. the taste of this cup of coffee is unique to me, although I could not really recall but I remember I love it. highly recommended! 

took more photos while waiting for my waffle ^..^ they have different design of seats for their customers. 

the interior view of the cafe. there is only 3 seats indoor, so grab it fast haha

the coffee beans~

the menu of Dolcetto 'cafe~ the price was reasonable to me, and cheaper if compared to Starbucks haha. still I love coffee from Starbucks more haha

some decorations in the cafe

confused about what is cappucino, mocha, latte and flat white? have a reference here ^^

after long waiting, finally here is our waffle!! we were so surprise to have such a beautiful drawing of waffle!! thank you Dolcetto 'cafe! *maybe they know we are tourist? haha.
don you like it too?? 

a closer look of the waffle, it is so crispy, and it is so awesome to have a bite when it is still hot! must try their waffle here you wont be disappointed! we all gave a thumbs up to this waffle, and add more marks for their service 

we had caramel and chocolate to make the waffle more delicious~ the chocolate is very viscous, same goes to the caramel. guess who is the one crazy of chocolate the most haha. 
one thing that I love this cafe is they played soft music in the cafe~ what a relaxing holiday mood we had here

in total we spent about 260baht for a cup of coffee, a cake and waffle. worth for it =))

the decoration on the counter. 

the outdoor seats. 

the outlook of the cafe again~ 

shot from the opposite street~ 

Dolcetto 'cafe
Opening hours: 08.15am to 10pm  ( monday to sunday)
 43/1 Mo Da Place. Nimmanhemind Force. 7. Suthep. Muang Chiangmai. 50200.
Phone: +66 83 925 5624
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dolcetto-cafe-%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%A5%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%8A%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%95%E0%B9%89/312729135524133?sk=timeline